I don't currently smoke, but I was wondering how quickly I'd get addicted if I started. I'm guessing different people have different tolerance levels, but is there an average amount of days/weeks or anything like that?
Or what about your experiences - do you remember how long it took you to get hooked?
My advice is don't pick it up, not because it's bad for you. But because it's gotten REALLY FUCKING EXPENSIVE. When I started smoking Marlboro's were around 3.20 a pack in my home town. Now they are like 5.30-5.50. And I live up near Chicago now, which means if I try to buy a pack in the city, I shit brix at 9.00 a pack. Fuck that shit.
I would say that if you start smoking to any degree,you probably won't stop anytime in the near future.
I get pretty agitated if I have to go a long time without smokes. That's only made worse since I smoke more now since comming back state side.
I'll ride my bicycle or motorcycle in the fuckin' rain to go get a back if I'm out :P
It will. No one starts out smoking a pack a day. We all started with the occasional cigarette. I can usually go without fine if I'm sober, but if I've been drinking, I start fiending hard.
ANYWAYS long story short DONT and i mean DON'T have one more ciggarette for "enjoyment" purposes dont even use tobacco for spin at $18 a packet its an expensive habit to take up, look at it as though a low income earner takes home $500AUD weekly here in Australia, if your a pack a day smoker $20 a day is a 5th of your daily income and you smoke more on weekends and days you dont work so realisticly your giving away a large percentage of your wage for nothing
Plus theres cancer and all those other conspiracys associated with smoking
20 bucks for a fuckin' PACK of smokes? Jesus christ, I thought my prices were nuts.
I smoke pipe tobacco. It is extremely cheap compared to other types of tobacco and it tastes/smells good. My mom hates the smell of other tobacco but lets me smoke my pipe inside because she likes the smell.
1. Learn to roll
2. Buy TOP brand tobacco (3.45 a pouch here)
3. Roll your own
4. ?????
5. Profit!
But seriously, roll your own. It's retarded how much cheaper it is. One bag of TOP can last me all week, and I smoke like a mother fucker.
For me it's only a $4/week habit.
EDIT: For srs, the best way to go is simply to limit yourself to 0-4 a day. As long as you're somewhat strict with yourself - even when drinking - it's fine. I've only had one today, so I'm'a treat myself to a late-night cig. I've kept this up for over a year, and only broken it once in a fortnight-long spell several months ago. I don't have any problems not smoking for a few weeks when circumstances demand it, I just enjoy smoking. Plus, this way you still actually feel something off a cigarette.