Post count isn't much. It likely can mean you spend too much time In SG or HB... Great, contrabutional posts?
Only reason I have a high post count is because I try and reply to every single thread in here in an attempt to raise activity levels so that newcomers see us as an active community.
Only reason I have a high post count is because I try and reply to every single thread in here in an attempt to raise activity levels so that newcomers see us as an active community.
See where you're coming from though.
I generally try to post in threads I have some worth while input in. Which is where this place needs to kick off.
We need people posting in the sub-forums, not fucking SG.
SG is a time waster. You need CONTENT. My area will always draw low traffic here, but others shouldn't. SG should not be the prime forum. That is silly. SG is a fuck off strain.
If you want this place to continue, attract people that contribute worthwhile threads. I miss those.
I love the news and politics forums, but find myself creeping over to zoklet because it's more active even with the crazy level of trolling.
It's totally up to you where you lurk/post, but its also important to remember that we HAVE just started, and that if we're looking to get anywhere, we need people to contribute as much as they can. Activity may be lacking a little here right now, but it would be cool if instead of creeping over to Z, you could contribute something here instead.
New and improving
But no, I do not remember you.
lol this. What is it with us turning away new people... Maybe we need to start offering free hugs or something.
Or start showing moar titties
well, hes a few months late into finding out about, so im assuming he doesnt post much anyway
I only have 2xx posts now, does that mean Fanglekai(2K posts) has been with 'Totse' longer than myself?
I've been since '01. Big deal.... Most of the people don't notice me. And I don't get butthurt.
Post count isn't much. It likely can mean you spend too much time In SG or HB... Great, contrabutional posts?
Only reason I have a high post count is because I try and reply to every single thread in here in an attempt to raise activity levels so that newcomers see us as an active community.
See where you're coming from though.
I generally try to post in threads I have some worth while input in. Which is where this place needs to kick off.
We need people posting in the sub-forums, not fucking SG.
SG is a time waster. You need CONTENT. My area will always draw low traffic here, but others shouldn't. SG should not be the prime forum. That is silly. SG is a fuck off strain.
If you want this place to continue, attract people that contribute worthwhile threads. I miss those.
It's totally up to you where you lurk/post, but its also important to remember that we HAVE just started, and that if we're looking to get anywhere, we need people to contribute as much as they can. Activity may be lacking a little here right now, but it would be cool if instead of creeping over to Z, you could contribute something here instead.
Again, just a suggestion. Do whatever you want
I found totse in '01, but didn't join til much later. Sorry you don't approve of my 2k posts.