I looks like the east coast from the Carolinas up is about to get fucked up by that hurricane. I suspect that what that means is that I am about to get fucked up by that hurricane too, or at least some of my stuff. Anyone else on the east coast bracing for this?
Why? Not even a hurricane would want to go to Jersey.
Hurricane Earl is when this guy has Taco Bell, man...
How nostalgic~
Hahahahaha, this. What do they actually name hurricanes after? The person who discovers them?
There is a list of names that run on a six-year cycle. So say 2001 has one set of names, then 2007 will have the same set of names. 2002 is the same as 2008, and so on. Each set of names consists of one name that begins with each letter from A to W excluding Q and U. They then name each hurricane using that list starting with A. So this means Hurricane Earl is the 5th hurricane of 2010. Any significant hurricanes will have their names retired and a new name put in its place.
Also, what if there are more than 26?
1. Yep
2. I'd like to know as well