Pic of your alcohol (or non alcoholiic beverage if you're not a booze hound like I am) pics optional.
Post some shit and put this in a party frame of mind.
This thread is still full of hilarity Saving those images now, posting them around the interwebs a little later (and printing them off and sticking them up everywhere too).
Fucking crazy date system confusing the fuck out of me..
Anyway I'll assume you mean this Thursday (as opposed to November) I think I am out til 10/11pmGMT so when I get back I'll pop on and join in the fun just need to remember the booze.
They're just going to be total faggots about it if we do.
Stop tryin to poach membrs lol ur so desperate lol totse suks
Nope! not poaching
Given up on that shit. I just noticed totseans are posting there and zoklet is posting here anyways. Sounds like a good fuckin excuse for a party to me.
I also noticed members from totse2 are posting here as well.
I'm not expecting any of zoklet or totse2 to become long term members. Just come over for an hour or so to piss it up...pics inclusive with a screen shot of their forums and alcohol would be a buzz.
This shit will be neutral. :cool:
This says moTotovs. I love the pic, though. We should remember to all do barrel rolls that day. If the fucking pilots had done a barrel roll, 9/11 would never have happened.
I just realised something.
We're from different parts of the globe and our time lines are different. ........Fuck Yeah!!!! It's gonna be a 24 hour party. :cool:
So all of you are too stupid and uncreative that you troll people who lost family members and friends? The bill Keller troll was lol but this is shameless and plainly not very funny
So all of you are too stupid and uncreative that you troll people who lost family members and friends? The bill Keller troll was lol but this is shameless and plainly not very funny
Well good I guess totse.info is encyclopedia dramatica and 4chan regurgitated and plagued by downs
Assuming your not trolling I suggest you check out some of the how to's and guides we have posted. Also take a look at some of the specialized forums and you'll see were not like 4chan. orry if this thread offends you but we believe in freedom of speech. We've got a lot of great information on here and are adding more and growing every day. Feel free to contribute as much content as you can to these.:)
why do you guys even care I try my best to bring back old totse but you hate so much you can call me out even with a diff name? WTF guys this isn't the totse I love
This should be interesting. :thumbsup:
That sounds like I'm a female.
"SCREEEAAAWW" Is my favorite song......
And good idea on the 3+ part. :thumbsup:
Hell yes! An old Totsean favorite from waaaay back.
I shall participate in a festival of no god
Anyway I'll assume you mean this Thursday (as opposed to November) I think I am out til 10/11pmGMT so when I get back I'll pop on and join in the fun just need to remember the booze.
They're just going to be total faggots about it if we do.
Stop tryin to poach membrs lol ur so desperate lol totse suks
Given up on that shit. I just noticed totseans are posting there and zoklet is posting here anyways. Sounds like a good fuckin excuse for a party to me.
I also noticed members from totse2 are posting here as well.
I'm not expecting any of zoklet or totse2 to become long term members. Just come over for an hour or so to piss it up...pics inclusive with a screen shot of their forums and alcohol would be a buzz.
This shit will be neutral. :cool:
This says moTotovs.
It was in tail spin (the disney cartoon with Baloo the bear) too.
Kinda lame but i made it fast. BYOM (Bring your own molotovs)
That's a good idea. All the guaranteed outrage would ensure publicity. Plus peoples reactions would most likely be hilarious.
We're from different parts of the globe and our time lines are different.
Of course we are. Totse did 9/11 for the lulz. You didn't really think it was pissed off Muslims that did that right:rolleyes:
I find it funny:p
Assuming your not trolling I suggest you check out some of the how to's and guides we have posted. Also take a look at some of the specialized forums and you'll see were not like 4chan. orry if this thread offends you but we believe in freedom of speech. We've got a lot of great information on here and are adding more and growing every day. Feel free to contribute as much content as you can to these.:)
this place is fail if y'all find sept 11 funny y'all don't know shit about human suffering and y'all are acting like kids
Oh fuck I think this is namaste.
Those for starters. Theres plenty more here too. If you can think of anything that'd make a good guide feel free to make one. We can always use more.
:facepalm: I hope not. I was really hoping she was gone.
Edit: It is...
Yeah, you're posting under a completely different ip too.