School wifi is stopping me from torrenting.

MasturbatronMasturbatron Regular
edited September 2010 in Tech & Games
So yeah, like the title says, the schools wifi is keeping me from downloading my sweet, sweet torrents. I figured I could use a proxy but I know fuck all about proxies, so some information on that would be cool. Anything else you guys can suggest to get around these nazi wifi laws would be awesome. Thanks guys.


  • edited September 2010
    You could torrent through.... i2p (I think it's called).

    OR, you could switch to file-sharing sites for Warez.
  • MasturbatronMasturbatron Regular
    edited September 2010
    Choose a random port and turn on header encryption? Don't torrent through a proxy. Speeds are generally pretty rubbish and it's a douchey thing to do to someone operating a free proxy (I assume you're not paying for any anonymizing services or you probably wouldn't bother with using your school wlan).

    Tell me more.
  • edited September 2010
    Well, you can choose which port that utorrent uses with the configuration settings. I have no idea about the header encryption though, even if it does sound cool.
  • PigPig Regular
    edited September 2010
    What if it's an Ethernet connection? My university will go apeshit if I get caught, which sucks because I won't be able to go home (and torrent) for another month.

    Has anyone tried Bitlet?
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