Nah they have smaller eyeballs, but with the same amount of vision than us. Their eyes were made this way because of the constant sun in the asian areas. Also helps to combat the massive amounts of pollution they are producing.
i had a friend back in school who was korean or something. on photo day, when we were doing the individual portraits, the photographer would be like "open your eyes please" and he would be like " they are open lol"
i had a friend back in school who was korean or something. on photo day, when we were doing the individual portraits, the photographer would be like "open your eyes please" and he would be like " they are open lol"
Nah they have smaller eyeballs, but with the same amount of vision than us. Their eyes were made this way because of the constant sun in the asian areas. Also helps to combat the massive amounts of pollution they are producing.
Your peoples flawed theory of a "God" has an excuse for everything. It's amazing.
It's not an excuse I'm just saying races didnt come from evolution. I get so tired of people saying Africans were the first people which is what most atheists claim:rolleyes:
It's not an excuse I'm just saying races didnt come from evolution. I get so tired of people saying Africans were the first people which is what most scientists aka people who know what they're talking about claim:rolleyes:
I didn't come from niggers. Blacks are descendants Ham. My ancestors were not Negro's. Also since the first humans were from the Mideast area why would blacks be there?
I didn't come from niggers. Blacks are descendants Ham. My ancestors were not Negro's. Also since the first humans were from the Mideast area why would blacks be there?
Your right, you are a direct descendent of a monkey.
Your right, you are a direct descendent of a monkey.
Then why are there still monkeys everywhere? If we came from monkey's where dfid they come from? Do you really think all animal life came from one organism millions of years ago? Evolution is Just a theory and a flawed one at that. It has not been proven we came from monkey's. yeah were very similar to them in some way's but that does not mean we came from them.
Evolution is Just a theory and a flawed one at that.
And your theroy of a Magical "God" came from where? Based on absolutely nothing. We as a species developed reasonable thought, and prediction. God came to be as an excuse for those downtrodden and without hope. Working nearly 24/7 for nothing as slaves, hoping there was something worthwhile after death. That is simply it.
I also suppose you believe that Buddah, Allah, Jesus, and God are different? Not a bit. Read all holy books, they are the same Ideal. Simply just personified in a different nature due to culture.
God is an instrument of hope and belonging, for the dumb and downtrodden. Nothing else.
And your theroy of a Magical "God" came from where? Based on absolutely nothing. We as a species developed reasonable thought, and prediction. God came to be as an excuse for those downtrodden and without hope. Working nearly 24/7 for nothing as slaves, hoping there was something worthwhile after death. That is simply it.
I also suppose you believe that Buddah, Allah, Jesus, and God are different? Not a bit. Read all holy books, they are the same Ideal. Simply just personified in a different nature due to culture.
God is an instrument of hope and belonging, for the dumb and downtrodden. Nothing else.
Then why are there still monkeys everywhere? If we came from monkey's where dfid they come from? Do you really think all animal life came from one organism millions of years ago? Evolution is Just a theory and a flawed one at that. It has not been proven we came from monkey's. yeah were very similar to them in some way's but that does not mean we came from them.
its all branches. just because there's multiple branches, doesn't mean the root is changed. there are still monkeys because they are the beginning of our branch, followed by neanderthals, which became extinct after they branched off into homo sapiens.
then how the fuck did Jesus rise from the dead assholes? EXPLAIN THAT WITH EVOLUTION BITCH
This is true. Here Ill explain how the races came about. You had Adam and Eve they were the first people since Adam means "to Blush" and for other reasons we know they were white. In Genesis when it says Eve ate an apple she didn't. She literally slept with the serpent thats why her womb and not the mouth was cursed. This produced Cain. So Cain was literally the son of Satan and when he killed Abel he was further cursed. Cain is the father of the Jew's. Seth who was Adams next son became the continuation of the whites. Blacks came when Ham was cursed after seeing his father Noah nude and may have even molested him while he was passed out drunk. For this Ham was cursed and turned black. This is why Blacks were meant as a slave race. Thats where black people came from. Arabs come from Ishmael who was Issac's brother. The rest of the races came after the tower of Babel was destroyed and god created languages and the other races to confuse everyone. Whites are the pure race that has a covenant with God and thats why were chosen and race mixing is wrong. I can back all this up with Biblical evidence if you'd like more information see my thread in the religion section I wrote a guide on it. You can also follow the links in my signature to learn more. I am not trolling this is what I believe and Ill need to see some concrete fucking evidence before I change my mind on this.
What about Africans? Surely it's at least as sunny there but mostly their eyes are the same as white people's? Just curious.
Realistically, it really depends. Here's a picture of me. As you can see, my eyes aren't very squinty at all.
It's not a mustache. It's two burnt Pringles
I will eat said pringles.
This depends on if you believe in evolution:o
Only to a very small extent for the most part no I dont. I dont think the different races were caused by evolution. It's a flawed theory.
Your peoples flawed theory of a "God" has an excuse for everything. It's amazing.
It's not an excuse I'm just saying races didnt come from evolution. I get so tired of people saying Africans were the first people which is what most atheists claim:rolleyes:
Your right, you are a direct descendent of a monkey.
Then why are there still monkeys everywhere? If we came from monkey's where dfid they come from? Do you really think all animal life came from one organism millions of years ago? Evolution is Just a theory and a flawed one at that. It has not been proven we came from monkey's. yeah were very similar to them in some way's but that does not mean we came from them.
And your theroy of a Magical "God" came from where? Based on absolutely nothing. We as a species developed reasonable thought, and prediction. God came to be as an excuse for those downtrodden and without hope. Working nearly 24/7 for nothing as slaves, hoping there was something worthwhile after death. That is simply it.
I also suppose you believe that Buddah, Allah, Jesus, and God are different? Not a bit. Read all holy books, they are the same Ideal. Simply just personified in a different nature due to culture.
God is an instrument of hope and belonging, for the dumb and downtrodden. Nothing else.
We all came from black people. The end.
its all branches. just because there's multiple branches, doesn't mean the root is changed. there are still monkeys because they are the beginning of our branch, followed by neanderthals, which became extinct after they branched off into homo sapiens.
This is true. Here Ill explain how the races came about. You had Adam and Eve they were the first people since Adam means "to Blush" and for other reasons we know they were white. In Genesis when it says Eve ate an apple she didn't. She literally slept with the serpent thats why her womb and not the mouth was cursed. This produced Cain. So Cain was literally the son of Satan and when he killed Abel he was further cursed. Cain is the father of the Jew's. Seth who was Adams next son became the continuation of the whites. Blacks came when Ham was cursed after seeing his father Noah nude and may have even molested him while he was passed out drunk. For this Ham was cursed and turned black. This is why Blacks were meant as a slave race. Thats where black people came from. Arabs come from Ishmael who was Issac's brother. The rest of the races came after the tower of Babel was destroyed and god created languages and the other races to confuse everyone. Whites are the pure race that has a covenant with God and thats why were chosen and race mixing is wrong. I can back all this up with Biblical evidence if you'd like more information see my thread in the religion section I wrote a guide on it. You can also follow the links in my signature to learn more. I am not trolling this is what I believe and Ill need to see some concrete fucking evidence before I change my mind on this.