So I just watched this ...and it was awesome! I don't know whether its just because I used to do street art or not, but I highly recommend this to everyone. Its a documentary style film, that gives you an inside view on the world of street art.
Some artists it covers are Shepard Fairly, Banksy, Invader, Buff Monster, Swoon, Borf, Andre, and of course Mr. Brainwash (:facepalm:)
Here's the one I downloaded, its pretty good quality.
This movie has spurred up my excitement for street art again. I am going to start scheming

All totseans should watch it
Great going dude, that's really really awesome.
I tend to agree with Banksy & Shepard near the end.
Terrys work was made up of stolen ideas.
Where it payed off was
the promotional side of his show......Now that was art in itself.:thumbsup:
This thread deserves 3 :thumbsup: and a :fap:
Soooo...Anyone here happen to have Banksys phone number or e-mail?:p
Maybe if someone spots one of Banksys works they can write "Totse thinks you're awesome" next to it, but then again why would he promote us when we clearly didn't spend any money to go and see his film