The Pick-up Artist
Pickups are basically a group of lonely basement dwelling virgins who are working on developing an algorithm for sleeping with lots of women. If you run to pretty much any forum boards, you'll find a group of thousands of these guys trying to read through plenty of books and figure out how to artificially mimic what women would want to fuck. They have this pre-conceived notion that knowledge is better than wisdom. Unfortunately, that's not true. However, if you're having doubts on how to deal with women, or what women like, or maybe you just want to score, then you can read through my introductory theory, where I take applications and basic theories that DO have a real life application and attempt to do away with a lot of the shitty, discombobulated nonsense.
This won't be the same for you as it is for me. I'm a decently attractive male in my mid-twenties. I have money, I'm intelligent, and I'm charismatic. I'm also in shape. So, like I said, you're not going to have the same results if you're a basement dwelling neckbeard with no job and a level 80 ANYTHING.
That being said, if you want a girlfriend or someone to fuck, you need to make yourself presentable and accomplish BASIC HUMAN TASKS such as getting a job/a place/a car, getting into shape, and developing good hygene rituals.
The Neg
The neg is one of the few tools I've noted to be of good use. You use it when a girl is being dismissive to you so you can be equally dismissive. Keep it playful and use it when she's being a bitch as negative reinforcement. Don't get bent out of shape if she's being extra bitchy. Some girls are just hard to talk to in public. People write pages on this with canned bullshit and phrases to memorize. Don't do that, just act naturally. Don't memorize things because that can lead to stuttering without proper recitation.
Keep it simple, keep it fun, and keep fucking smiling.
The Peacock
Is a conversation starter. Some big, obnoxious article of clothing girls can compliment on. Only do this is you have friends, if you do this without a group of normal friends, you'll look like a faggy goth kid. Try to keep it looking "semi-alternative" and wear a band t-shirt and some other semi-normal articles of clothing. You're not trying to be a trend-setter, you're just trying to get noticed.
Is my own concept of speaking at higher volume than other people. You do this to "take the stage" and avoid looking insecure. I usually tell a couple funny stories and have a good laugh.
Don't ask too many questions
Girls HATE this. It shows that you're trying too hard. If there's one thing people don't like it's a tryhard.
If you don't smile when you're out in public it means that you look like a tryhard (Again.) People who walk around with a frown on their face trying to look "hard" or "tough" just come across as a big-ol douchebag. I think this is why military guys usually wind up with fat chicks.
Be playful
Smile, laugh, be funny, tell funny stories, and be fun to her friends and her.
If you can come into a group and get everyone to think you're a cool guy, you can get into that girl's pants easier than 1,2,3.
The Law of Large Numbers
Say only 1% of women want to sleep with you.
Awesome. I like my odds.
You see, if only 1% of the attractive women in the world love your personality, then that means that of every 100 women you approach, one of them will wind up liking you so much that she'll sleep with you. If you can approach 2 women per hour over the course of friday/saturday/sunday it means you can get laid once every weekend.
Look at that. Innit math fun?
And that's all you really need to know about pickup theory. Everything else is auxiliary and memorization. Take it easy, get your shit together, and go out often and there's going to be no issue bagging women. The word of the day is "natural." If it wasn't in our blood then the human race wouldn't be here.
I've read "The Mystery Method," "The Game," "The Pickup Artists Handbook," "The Ladder," and "Blueprint."
These are just things that I've taken from all the books. Yeah, most of the things they attempt to teach are bullshit excuses to make their basic principles look like a science, but when applied a lot of this is a godsend to people who don't know what to do with women.
All very valid points.
Good guide, straight to the point and everything. Good stuff bro
Torrent "Blueprint" and "The Mystery Method."
The Mystery Method had lots of charts and graphs and kept my interest for a while because it provided me with tons of material to say.
Techniques, lol. What fucking techniques were in this shitty guide which you didn't already know?
The OP needs to heed his own advice - nobody likes a person who tries too hard.
I'm not trying very hard.