Yes you would, but don't do it. Oil is notorious for being able to harbor bacteria and it's hard to sterilize. Use everclear to make a tincture and IV that. Alcohol makes it safer, but you'll still need a pinwheel filter to get it right.
I was supposed to write an essay today to turn in tomorrow because I didn't turn it in last week when it was due. lol.
Fuck it, I'll turn it in thursday.
Bump with a bowl and having smoked on school campus for the first time today.
Also, does the professor count off? Some are total assholes (e.g. my speech professor, whose ass I dropped) but if you can do it without penalty, sounds like you have a good one. :thumbsup:
Bump with a bowl and having smoked on school campus for the first time today.
Also, does the professor count off? Some are total assholes (e.g. my speech professor, whose ass I dropped) but if you can do it without penalty, sounds like you have a good one. :thumbsup:
He's a TA. Only 5-6 years older than myself. Totally awesome guy who's married to a HOT lebanese babe. Really, he doesn't give a fuck as long as I show up. We're allowed 4 absences per semester. He gives reading quizzes to make sure we've read, but they're only 10% of the grade. I turned in an essay 2 weeks late last week. My essay for last week will be turned in this week, so slowly I'm catching up.
Boy, haven't we all been there at some point? In the midst of an epic battle against lions and your bear-sergeant is nowhere to be found because he's off stoned on honey someplace.
I'm soo high rite now.
I was thinking about making some crack for the lulz.
lol I'm high as hell.. that was crazy.
i think
Yes you would, but don't do it. Oil is notorious for being able to harbor bacteria and it's hard to sterilize. Use everclear to make a tincture and IV that. Alcohol makes it safer, but you'll still need a pinwheel filter to get it right.
I'm excited.
I'm a baller. I have 5 grams of kief left.
Fuck it, I'll turn it in thursday.
Bump with a bowl and having smoked on school campus for the first time today.
Also, does the professor count off? Some are total assholes (e.g. my speech professor, whose ass I dropped) but if you can do it without penalty, sounds like you have a good one. :thumbsup:
He's a TA. Only 5-6 years older than myself. Totally awesome guy who's married to a HOT lebanese babe. Really, he doesn't give a fuck as long as I show up. We're allowed 4 absences per semester. He gives reading quizzes to make sure we've read, but they're only 10% of the grade. I turned in an essay 2 weeks late last week. My essay for last week will be turned in this week, so slowly I'm catching up.
Boy, haven't we all been there at some point? In the midst of an epic battle against lions and your bear-sergeant is nowhere to be found because he's off stoned on honey someplace.