It has made a number of revolutions approximately 0.16% of the number of revolutions the Earth has made since its formation assuming that 1 day = 1 revolution since its formation and that this value has never shifted
Yeah its gotten some use. It has been in 3 different laptops so far --when I buy a new one I just move the HDD. Seagates are VERY reliable.
The seagate in my new laptop died after a month of light use. The replacement was a WD scorpio blue, which has performed really well. The old seagate in my imac saw so much abuse it was ridiculous. I must've written and rewritten most of the sectors on the drive hundreds of times with all the movies and shit I ripped and burned.
I drop my laptop nearly every day and it's fine. You must've had a bad one. Albeit mine is a retail drive, not an OEM one which tends to be lesser quality.
An interesting thing I noticed is about twice every day at a random time the HDD will make a "beep - click -wrerrrrr." I came to the conclusion that the hard drive forgot where it was on the platter, then stops the motor and swings the head back. Then it resets. It doesn't seem to be a problem, but the 1 second the computer is frozen is kind of an inconvenience.
I was unlucky with that drive, but it only cost $5 to priority mail it to the service center and they sent me a new drive that I got 3 days later. It's the only drive I've ever had fail on me.
Every Hitachi I've ever had failed on me. Cheap asian shit.
I've always wanted to make a see through hard drive. Something like measuring where the screw holes on a 3.5" HDD cover are, then cutting one out of lexan on a CNC. Then I'll go to a clean room and swap covers. Easy enough and would be totally bad ass. Never got around to it though.
Every Hitachi I've ever had failed on me. Cheap asian shit.
I've always wanted to make a see through hard drive. Something like measuring where the screw holes on a 3.5" HDD cover are, then cutting one out of lexan on a CNC. Then I'll go to a clean room and swap covers. Easy enough and would be totally bad ass. Never got around to it though.
Wouldn't a polycarbonate plastic retain a lot of heat?
(I don't know how)
The seagate in my new laptop died after a month of light use. The replacement was a WD scorpio blue, which has performed really well. The old seagate in my imac saw so much abuse it was ridiculous. I must've written and rewritten most of the sectors on the drive hundreds of times with all the movies and shit I ripped and burned.
An interesting thing I noticed is about twice every day at a random time the HDD will make a "beep - click -wrerrrrr." I came to the conclusion that the hard drive forgot where it was on the platter, then stops the motor and swings the head back. Then it resets. It doesn't seem to be a problem, but the 1 second the computer is frozen is kind of an inconvenience.
I've always wanted to make a see through hard drive. Something like measuring where the screw holes on a 3.5" HDD cover are, then cutting one out of lexan on a CNC. Then I'll go to a clean room and swap covers. Easy enough and would be totally bad ass. Never got around to it though.
Wouldn't a polycarbonate plastic retain a lot of heat?