It doesn't exist. Magic the Gathering may be called that, but there is not enough magic in the world to get a girl to suck the dick of said Magic player.
Can't see the picture but the only fun card game i know is strip poker so let's go with that.
Any card game that gets me wasted works for me.
Also, I love poker but people wont play it with me anymore. Last time I got some people to play I ended up winning everything but a few dollars. Knocked two people out, and the third only had two dollars left before we decided to use my poker winnings to buy more beer.
Poker is about the only card game i'll play. Every other card game is either too slow paced or redundant for me. Poker actually requires skill and it gives you the ability to lie and win money :thumbsup:
What about slapjack that instead of playing on a table, you play on breasts
It doesn't exist. Magic the Gathering may be called that, but there is not enough magic in the world to get a girl to suck the dick of said Magic player.
Anyone who plays Magic the Gathering is an instant faggot in my book. No exceptions. Come to think of it anyone that plays with cards that aren't your standard game cards is a faggot. Fuck pokemon and yugio cards.
Anyone who plays Magic the Gathering is an instant faggot in my book. No exceptions. Come to think of it anyone that plays with cards that aren't your standard game cards is a faggot. Fuck pokemon and yugio cards.
Hey look everybody, the Mexican Nazi who can't figure out how apostrophes work thinks you're a faggot!
It's not magic the gathering cause i can't see any mana symbols in the upper right corner of the cards. It could be the Warhammer TCG.
It is Magic. The mana symbols are hard to see cause of the lighting. They're very early editions. The card formatting and style is near the Alpha block.
Any card game that gets me wasted works for me.
Also, I love poker but people wont play it with me anymore. Last time I got some people to play I ended up winning everything but a few dollars. Knocked two people out, and the third only had two dollars left before we decided to use my poker winnings to buy more beer.
I love beer.
What about slapjack that instead of playing on a table, you play on breasts
Substitute hands with penises as well
Edit: Actually, don't. It's gay as soon as penises touch :mad:
That's what I thought at first.
It's some sort of D&D game I thinks.
You'd have to bro. Wouldn't wanna fly your x-wing fighter over to the darkside all because your eyes were closed while testing out your jedi powers.:o
Magic: The Gathering?
GL with the hawt chick part
I used to play it a lot in elementary school, but when we got into high school, everybody sorta just lost interest
I heard it works better on a DFC.......
Damn right....... :P
Anyone who plays Magic the Gathering is an instant faggot in my book. No exceptions. Come to think of it anyone that plays with cards that aren't your standard game cards is a faggot. Fuck pokemon and yugio cards.
Hey look everybody, the Mexican Nazi who can't figure out how apostrophes work thinks you're a faggot!
It is Magic. The mana symbols are hard to see cause of the lighting. They're very early editions. The card formatting and style is near the Alpha block.