Now is the pic after I pissed and jizzed on it. You cant see the jizz but its there.Tommorow if I get access to a camera again I will burn it. This is my declaration of war upon all Muslims. Stay tuned for updates. Hail Victory.
Well I have two dogs so I figure I'll use it to pick up there shit but when I have time a burning is going down. Oh and too Allah yes this just happened. Wait its the religion of millions of people? Well I just pissed and jacked off onto it.
Please do this to the Bible as well. All religious nutcases piss me off, however I do have more respect for Muslims than Christians as they tend to smoke hash and aren't as crazy about shit.
Yes, I mean that.
i hope you know that this book means a lot to some people. you are just full of teenage rebellion and angst but someday you will understand gods love and what you are doing is evil/
i hope you know that this book means a lot to some people. you are just full of teenage rebellion and angst but someday you will understand gods love and what you are doing is evil/
And I pissed on those people. Also Im not a teen. To spazz I will not to do this to an American flag. I did read the book first so I could learn about the enemy so I pissed on it. Also come on Dfg you couldve alteast called me an infidel or something.
Oh yeah, I forgot this guy was conditioned by retards. They follow the same god as you, sinner. Enjoy hell!
Yeah but they follow a false prophet known as Muhammad. They beat women and marry kids dude. They blow themselves up and kill people over cartoons. That's NOT the God I know and follow. Fuck Islam. Oh and no the face covering wasnt meant to be ironic. I just dont like showing myself on the internet.
Please do this to the Bible as well. All religious nutcases piss me off, however I do have more respect for Muslims than Christians as they tend to smoke hash and aren't as crazy about shit.
Yes, I mean that.
How can you possibly claim that Christians are crazier than Muslims? We dont tend to fly planes into building or strap bombs to ourselves.
OP is a Christian, lol that EXPLAINS everything. Btw I would never do this to any religious book regardless of my beliefs. Live and let live. Islam teaches tolerance of other beliefs and religions. It's not my fault people ignore these simple facts and just make their minds about something. You can't judge a religion unless you lived your life by it. OP, knows things which he heard from different sources but he never experienced them first hand.
That's one of the reason I don't care if you kill Muslims or burn up books. Because to me they might have some value but I can't expect others to have the same intelligence.
Hey Dfg, just for you I'm gonna post pictures of myself giving a thumbs up next to ever mudslime I kill on this forum. I'll even write "Dfg" on their dead muslim boobs and manboobs for your collage!
How can you possibly claim that Christians are crazier than Muslims? We dont tend to fly planes into building or strap bombs to ourselves.
No, but you still have to admit the Evangelical Christian goal is to convert everyone on the planet to Christianity, and they're not above playing dirty pool to do it. They might not blow up buildings, but spreading hatred and intolerance could have as many casualties, just so spread out that it isn't newsworthy. I hate radical Muslims too, but some Christians are not much better, in fact any religion that thinks there is something wrong with me because I refuse to accept their faith can suck the farts from a dead dogs ass.
OP is a Christian, lol that EXPLAINS everything. Btw I would never do this to any religious book regardless of my beliefs. Live and let live. Islam teaches tolerance of other beliefs and religions. It's not my fault people ignore these simple facts and just make their minds about something. You can't judge a religion unless you lived your life by it. OP, knows things which he heard from different sources but he never experienced them first hand.
That's one of the reason I don't care if you kill Muslims or burn up books. Because to me they might have some value but I can't expect others to have the same intelligence.
See though thats the problem. Most Muslims arent moderate such as yourself. Most hold extremist beliefs and declared holy war on the infidels. The Muslim religion is what caused 9/11. How does it teach tolerance when cartoonists who depict Muhammad are killed? Also whats wrong with Christianity bro?
Not that I have to defend anything, but the people in that picture do not represent mainstream Islam, and are laughable retards living in the dark ages; just like Irish extremists (who also happen to be Christian) and the thing you have made yourself into.
Not that I have to defend anything, but the people in that picture do not represent mainstream Islam, and are laughable retards living in the dark ages; just like Irish extremists (who also happen to be Christian) and the thing you have made yourself into.
Irish "extremists" are nationalists, the guy considered the father of Irish nationalism was Protestant.
Not that I have to defend anything, but the people in that picture do not represent mainstream Islam, and are laughable retards living in the dark ages; just like Irish extremists (who also happen to be Christian) and the thing you have made yourself into.
Bullshit. The mainstream in Islam ARE the radicals. The moderates are the minority. it's a religion that preaches war. Look at them now building a mosque 2 blocks from ground zero. Like I said in another thread. Why do we always have to say oh with was just "extremists" who did 9/11. Were the Japanese in WW2 extremist Japs. Or was it only the extremist germans? We were attacked by ISLAM. They have declared war on us. Stop listening to all the liberal news and wake up. Muslims hate America. They would kill you if they had the chance.
GTFO chink you don't know the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. Go back to CIZHZIHIOHINEUNZHOU where you can worship Mao/Buddha and leave us alone.
GTFO chink you don't know the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. Go back to CIZHZIHIOHINEUNZHOU where you can worship Mao/Buddha and leave us alone.
I didn't say Catholicism. I said Christianity. You tried to make a distinction between Protestants and Christians when Protestants are just a subdivision of Christians :facepalm:
I didn't say Catholicism. I said Christianity. You tried to make a distinction between Protestants and Christians when Protestants are just a subdivision of Christians :facepalm:
The religious angle of Irish Republican political violence was CATHOLICISM MMMKAY but the founder was PROTESTANT MMMKAY so one can clearly see it wasn't RELIGIOUSLY MOTIVATED MMMKAY because then the followers would share the religion of the founder MMMKAY?
The religious angle of Irish Republican political violence was CATHOLICISM MMMKAY but the founder was PROTESTANT MMMKAY so one can clearly see it wasn't RELIGIOUSLY MOTIVATED MMMKAY because then the followers would share the religion of the founder MMMKAY?
Nono, I don't care about this Irish stuff. The post you quoted said 'Christian' but you replied with 'Protestant' in a way that implied they were different. Just trying to point out the mistake here :facepalm:
Nono, I don't care about this Irish stuff. The post you quoted said 'Christian' but you replied with 'Protestant' in a way that implied they were different. Just trying to point out the mistake here :facepalm:
There is no mistake here chinaman, you just don't understand the context. You have no frame of reference here Mayberry. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know what it's about.
The religious angle of Irish Republican political violence was CATHOLICISM MMMKAY but the founder was PROTESTANT MMMKAY so one can clearly see it wasn't RELIGIOUSLY MOTIVATED MMMKAY because then the followers would share the religion of the founder MMMKAY?
The point is simply that they are Christians who use terrorism (in as much as the killing of civilians) for their group purposes. What matters it which denomination they are?
There is no mistake here chinaman, you just don't understand the context. You have no frame of reference here Mayberry. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know what it's about.
Well whatever the context is, I'm just pointing out that all Protestants are Christians. You just decided to bring in Catholicism to argue something that I was not making any point about.
Well whatever the context is, I'm just pointing out that all Protestants are Christians. You just decided to bring in Catholicism to argue something that I was not making any point about.
I dont think your getting what he was trying to say. Someone claimed that the Irish conflict was religion based not nationalist. But 1 group was catholic one was protestant therefore they were both Christians so it wasnt religion that caused it.
I dont think your getting what he was trying to say. Someone claimed that the Irish conflict was religion based not nationalist. But 1 group was catholic one was protestant therefore they were both Christians so it wasnt religion that caused it.
I made no such claim; I was merely using them as an example of people as retarded as jihadists and yourself.
I dont think your getting what he was trying to say. Someone claimed that the Irish conflict was religion based not nationalist. But 1 group was catholic one was protestant therefore they were both Christians so it wasnt religion that caused it.
Thanks for explaining it. His reply to it never mentioned Catholics, so any difference he tried to point out would seem like Protestant vs Christian. It's fattymcfailface's problem that he failed to make a clear argument causing this needless bickering. Although my 'Protestants are Christians' is not false
So people should just sit back and let Islam conquer the world?
Islam is not a state.. But if you mean spread, like every other religion, why not? Christianity was a foreign religion, just because our ancestors were forced to convert over a thousand years ago doesn't make it any more naturally ours. Maybe if we concentrated on educating people they wouldn't invest faith in such silly fantasies.
But hey; don't let me get you down. You've obviously found a niche where you receive all the attention your mum never gave you. When it comes down to it truth is irrelevant. Belief, or the belief in belief, maybe even the belief of others in your fable, are much more important.
Well I have two dogs so I figure I'll use it to pick up there shit but when I have time a burning is going down. Oh and too Allah yes this just happened. Wait its the religion of millions of people? Well I just pissed and jacked off onto it.
Yes, I mean that.
your not too familiar with our resident racist, are you?
Evidently not. Was there a thread I missed?
the abortion thread that sprung up today is a great sample of the skewed ideology that = D/S.
TOTSE is fucking great, I literally didn't think nutters like sanchez existed :hai: takes all sorts to make a world i guess
Yawn, not worth the effort.
All religions should be destroyed.
And I pissed on those people. Also Im not a teen. To spazz I will not to do this to an American flag. I did read the book first so I could learn about the enemy so I pissed on it. Also come on Dfg you couldve alteast called me an infidel or something.
Yeah but they follow a false prophet known as Muhammad. They beat women and marry kids dude. They blow themselves up and kill people over cartoons. That's NOT the God I know and follow. Fuck Islam. Oh and no the face covering wasnt meant to be ironic. I just dont like showing myself on the internet.
How can you possibly claim that Christians are crazier than Muslims? We dont tend to fly planes into building or strap bombs to ourselves.
That's one of the reason I don't care if you kill Muslims or burn up books. Because to me they might have some value but I can't expect others to have the same intelligence.
No, but you still have to admit the Evangelical Christian goal is to convert everyone on the planet to Christianity, and they're not above playing dirty pool to do it. They might not blow up buildings, but spreading hatred and intolerance could have as many casualties, just so spread out that it isn't newsworthy. I hate radical Muslims too, but some Christians are not much better, in fact any religion that thinks there is something wrong with me because I refuse to accept their faith can suck the farts from a dead dogs ass.
See though thats the problem. Most Muslims arent moderate such as yourself. Most hold extremist beliefs and declared holy war on the infidels. The Muslim religion is what caused 9/11. How does it teach tolerance when cartoonists who depict Muhammad are killed? Also whats wrong with Christianity bro?
Irish "extremists" are nationalists, the guy considered the father of Irish nationalism was Protestant.
Bullshit. The mainstream in Islam ARE the radicals. The moderates are the minority. it's a religion that preaches war. Look at them now building a mosque 2 blocks from ground zero. Like I said in another thread. Why do we always have to say oh with was just "extremists" who did 9/11. Were the Japanese in WW2 extremist Japs. Or was it only the extremist germans? We were attacked by ISLAM. They have declared war on us. Stop listening to all the liberal news and wake up. Muslims hate America. They would kill you if they had the chance.
Protestants are Christians :facepalm:
I didn't say Catholicism. I said Christianity. You tried to make a distinction between Protestants and Christians when Protestants are just a subdivision of Christians :facepalm:
Nono, I don't care about this Irish stuff. The post you quoted said 'Christian' but you replied with 'Protestant' in a way that implied they were different. Just trying to point out the mistake here :facepalm:
There is no mistake here chinaman, you just don't understand the context. You have no frame of reference here Mayberry. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know what it's about.
The point is simply that they are Christians who use terrorism (in as much as the killing of civilians) for their group purposes. What matters it which denomination they are?
Well whatever the context is, I'm just pointing out that all Protestants are Christians. You just decided to bring in Catholicism to argue something that I was not making any point about.
I dont think your getting what he was trying to say. Someone claimed that the Irish conflict was religion based not nationalist. But 1 group was catholic one was protestant therefore they were both Christians so it wasnt religion that caused it.
Fuck this forum.
I made no such claim; I was merely using them as an example of people as retarded as jihadists and yourself.
Thanks for explaining it. His reply to it never mentioned Catholics, so any difference he tried to point out would seem like Protestant vs Christian. It's fattymcfailface's problem that he failed to make a clear argument causing this needless bickering. Although my 'Protestants are Christians' is not false
How the fuck is opposing islamification of America and Europe retarded? When your forced to submit to Sharia you'll wish there were more like me.
It has more to do with your religious views and general personality.
Wait so you oppose my racism and bigotry but then you say you have a problem with my religion? Can you say hypocrite:rolleyes:
I think all religious people are gullible morons; but I'm not about to kill any of them for it. Do you see?
So people should just sit back and let Islam conquer the world?
Islam is not a state.. But if you mean spread, like every other religion, why not? Christianity was a foreign religion, just because our ancestors were forced to convert over a thousand years ago doesn't make it any more naturally ours. Maybe if we concentrated on educating people they wouldn't invest faith in such silly fantasies.