So this thread is mostly tl/dr, but I wanted to say I've talked with guys from Iran, Saudi Arabia and other arab countries, and they ALL fucking told me to stay out of their countries because people would probably try to kill me. They said go to Dubai as that would be the only safe arab city to visit lol. Dunno how true it is, but it's very lulzy.
So this thread is mostly tl/dr, but I wanted to say I've talked with guys from Iran, Saudi Arabia and other arab countries, and they ALL fucking told me to stay out of their countries because people would probably try to kill me. They said go to Dubai as that would be the only safe arab city to visit lol. Dunno how true it is, but it's very lulzy.
I am impressed this thread has almost 500 views and is 3 pages now since yesterday. I have burned the koran now but couldn't get pics. I will now begin posting these images on Muslim websites in the hopes of causing retaliation. My hope is to enrage Muslims and spit upon there religion as much as I can. Fuck Muhammad Fuck Islam. It's time for a new Crusade.
Well fuck that. Muslims are all sand nigger dicksucking pigfuckers (lol). Even Bill Maher almost got into deep shit while filming Religulous in a mosque.
Well fuck that. Muslims are all sand nigger dicksucking pigfuckers (lol). Even Bill Maher almost got into deep shit while filming Religulous in a mosque.
Fuck they even threatened southpark and south park insults everyone but only mudslims had to get violent about it. There extremist scum.
:hai: I just hope more Muslims get to see this because Dfg isn't the one I'm really targeting. I want the images of this piss stained Koran to reach the world.
I would laugh, if you weren't being serious. Your country is the bastard child of the dregs of British society and those who couldn't afford to eat in Ireland. What have I to be jealous of?
Not to shit on your thread(lol irony)(i haven't even read it) but, yes the bible WAS written by people who didnt know each other. however the 'books' in the bible, its not like all the 'bibley' books are in the bible. there is 1000's, well tens of 1000's of books much like the ones in the bible. in the catholic churches library. they are "secret" not allowed to be read by anyone that they dont want to read them.
So yes the different authors, and books in the bible do "mysteriously" agree with each other. but I bet that 8000 of those books in the "library" contradict.
This is true. Thats why I also read a lot of the gnostic texts. Even with those though the story is relatively the same. Some also argue that the council of nicea was inspired by God to determine was was right and hat wasn't when compiling the Bible.
This is true. Thats why I also read a lot of the gnostic texts. Even with those though the story is relatively the same. Some also argue that the council of nicea was inspired by God to determine was was right and hat wasn't when compiling the Bible.
This just supports my earlier point that the bible was compiled as stories that further a group's beliefs. Anyone can claim to be 'inspired by god' and that has zero validity in proving what is true and what is false.
I would laugh, if you weren't being serious. Your country is the bastard child of the dregs of British society and those who couldn't afford to eat in Ireland. What have I to be jealous of?
Oh look guys, a troll. We've all been trolled guys.
I would laugh, if you weren't being serious. Your country is the bastard child of the dregs of British society and those who couldn't afford to eat in Ireland. What have I to be jealous of?
I will make sure these photos spread. ive already been spamming this thread around all the Muslim chat rooms I can:hai: I wanna piss of Muslims but so far it's failing:(
I will make sure these photos spread. ive already been spamming this thread around all the Muslim chat rooms I can:hai: I wanna piss of Muslims but so far it's failing:(
If you can't troll a slime you're surely among the worst trolls in the history of the planet.
I think DFG mad now but he's hiding it. You mad bro and you know it.:o:o:o
Wrong. Dfg is the only mudslime who doesn't instantly take to the streets rioting the instant someone says, implies, or thinks something bad about his Rasool.
I assume someone has pointed this out to the OP already, but Allah is the same God you worship, you just put yourself on a fast track to hell, Christian fag.
I assume someone has pointed this out to the OP already, but Allah is the same God you worship, you just put yourself on a fast track to hell, Christian fag.
LOL I don't think Dirty Sanchez worships an Arabic pagan moon god but thanks for playing.
I'm going to get one of those free korans you can get and use it as toilet paper. I'm going to photographically document the shit on the paper and the poopy koran pages in the toilet with my shit logs.
I assume someone has pointed this out to the OP already, but Allah is the same God you worship, you just put yourself on a fast track to hell, Christian fag.
First off I'm going to assume your a liberal based on the fact that you got more butthurt than Dfg who is actually a Muslim. Also I'll assume your angry because you see what I did as "intolerant". What a display of tolerance you have huh calling me a fag for being a Christian. Typical hypocritical lib. Anyway to answer your post the koran may mention Jesus but it denies he was the son of God or ever crucified. In Christianity thats called Blasphemy. The koran also claims to add too the gospels right? Well if you recall in revelation 22:18 it says
I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book
Which is exactly what Muhammad did by the way. So answer me this how by disrespecting a book which my faith suggests is both blasphemous and written by a false prophet am I going to go to hell based on Christianity? Should I also assume the crusaders are in hell too for waging war against "people who believe in the same God"? I also guess that both Muslims and Jews go to hell too because they fight but Believe in the same God? In conclusion sorry retard but you lose:hai:
^You do know that the quote does not refer to the entire bible, right? Revelations was estimated to have been written a couple hundred years before the bible was compiled. The quote refers specifically to the book of revelations.
^You do know that the quote does not refer to the entire bible, right? Revelations was estimated to have been written a couple hundred years before the bible was compiled. The quote refers specifically to the book of revelations.
Yes and the koran in many places adds things to what judgment day will be. That also Dosent change the Fact that christ said the only way to heavan is through him. Which the koran Denys. It also claims he was never crucified and in the Christian religion thats blasphemy therefore how can destroying a koran lead to me going to hell? The bottom line is I know the Bible very well and zarniwoops argument fails hard. Hell if anything God is probably in favor of what I did.
No reason to be butthurt over this kind of stuff. Religious reasons aside, pissing on religious texts is a very TOTSE thing to do
I take no side when it comes to religion, but when you have two books and the only thing supporting each book is pretty much each book itself, it's impossible to say which one is right and which one is wrong.
Anyway to answer your post the koran may mention Jesus but it denies he was the son of God or ever crucified. In Christianity thats called Blasphemy.
Yet in the real world it's called truth.
Well, he was crucified, they have real records of that.
You know Scientologists? And everyone thinks they're a joke cos they believe in a religion made up by a science fiction writer? Well in 2000 years they'll be the Christianity of today.
No one gives a fuck about that book with 'water' spilled over it.
Unless you tape yourself pissing on it and lighting it with fire and throwing it at a mosque with a shitton of bearded fuckers running away, good luck!
No one gives a fuck about that book with 'water' spilled over it.
Unless you tape yourself pissing on it and lighting it with fire and throwing it at a mosque with a shitton of bearded fuckers running away, good luck!
He won't do shit, little kid is just looking for attention amongst his "clique".
I'm not the one who needs to be convinced, it's them. Your audience. Nobody is going to be directly offended by what looks like a wet koran, and even if they come there and ask about it, your reassurance that it IS "legit piss and semen" is going to look amateur at best. I'm just saying, if you really want to piss people off make sure they can, at the very least, easily understand WHY they should be pissed. Most people are to lazy to actually look into things and get any confirmation, so there's really no room for this kind of obscurity.
I am impressed this thread has almost 500 views and is 3 pages now since yesterday. I have burned the koran now but couldn't get pics. I will now begin posting these images on Muslim websites in the hopes of causing retaliation. My hope is to enrage Muslims and spit upon there religion as much as I can. Fuck Muhammad Fuck Islam. It's time for a new Crusade.
Yeah you'll be safe in Dubai just make sure you dont accidently have a speckle of bud on your shoe.
Also dont dare kiss a girl in Dubai
Fuck they even threatened southpark and south park insults everyone but only mudslims had to get violent about it. There extremist scum.
:hai: I just hope more Muslims get to see this because Dfg isn't the one I'm really targeting. I want the images of this piss stained Koran to reach the world.
I would laugh, if you weren't being serious. Your country is the bastard child of the dregs of British society and those who couldn't afford to eat in Ireland. What have I to be jealous of?
This is true. Thats why I also read a lot of the gnostic texts. Even with those though the story is relatively the same. Some also argue that the council of nicea was inspired by God to determine was was right and hat wasn't when compiling the Bible.
This just supports my earlier point that the bible was compiled as stories that further a group's beliefs. Anyone can claim to be 'inspired by god' and that has zero validity in proving what is true and what is false.
Oh look guys, a troll. We've all been trolled guys.
I will make sure these photos spread. ive already been spamming this thread around all the Muslim chat rooms I can:hai: I wanna piss of Muslims but so far it's failing:(
If you can't troll a slime you're surely among the worst trolls in the history of the planet.
Fuck you nigger:mad: Before this night is over I will have angry Muslims/
You can't even make Dfg angry
lol, I don't get MAD
I made you mad brah. Once. I made you :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Then why did he issue a fatwah on me because of this thread?:o:o
LOL I don't think Dirty Sanchez worships an Arabic pagan moon god but thanks for playing.
He said he's Christian.
Christian God = Muslim God.
Qu'ran = Bible, with some different stories.
Funny that Moses is the most quoted prophet in the Qu'ran, and Jesus the second most?
He just pissed and jizzed on what he believes.
Bet you think it's a religion of peace, huh brah?
First off I'm going to assume your a liberal based on the fact that you got more butthurt than Dfg who is actually a Muslim. Also I'll assume your angry because you see what I did as "intolerant". What a display of tolerance you have huh calling me a fag for being a Christian. Typical hypocritical lib. Anyway to answer your post the koran may mention Jesus but it denies he was the son of God or ever crucified. In Christianity thats called Blasphemy. The koran also claims to add too the gospels right? Well if you recall in revelation 22:18 it says
Which is exactly what Muhammad did by the way. So answer me this how by disrespecting a book which my faith suggests is both blasphemous and written by a false prophet am I going to go to hell based on Christianity? Should I also assume the crusaders are in hell too for waging war against "people who believe in the same God"? I also guess that both Muslims and Jews go to hell too because they fight but Believe in the same God? In conclusion sorry retard but you lose:hai:
Yes and the koran in many places adds things to what judgment day will be. That also Dosent change the Fact that christ said the only way to heavan is through him. Which the koran Denys. It also claims he was never crucified and in the Christian religion thats blasphemy therefore how can destroying a koran lead to me going to hell? The bottom line is I know the Bible very well and zarniwoops argument fails hard. Hell if anything God is probably in favor of what I did.
I take no side when it comes to religion, but when you have two books and the only thing supporting each book is pretty much each book itself, it's impossible to say which one is right and which one is wrong.
The book just covered in liquid isn't very shocking.
fucking this and always link back to this thread so totse gets traffic.
Yet in the real world it's called truth.
Well, he was crucified, they have real records of that.
You know Scientologists? And everyone thinks they're a joke cos they believe in a religion made up by a science fiction writer? Well in 2000 years they'll be the Christianity of today.
I know I should have. I can absolutly assure you though it is legit piss on there and semen even though you cant really see the cum.
Unless you tape yourself pissing on it and lighting it with fire and throwing it at a mosque with a shitton of bearded fuckers running away, good luck!
Tape it. You nationalist KIKE.
Yeah motherfucker. KIKE
He won't do shit, little kid is just looking for attention amongst his "clique".
He's a joke.
Im not a kike spic. And yes I know your half spic I haz teh proofs:hai: