A shaky view of a high performance speedometer reading 150MPH+ or a really shaky (but still legible) video of an older stock speedometer reading the equivalent of 150+ MPH (I.E. off the scale/banging on the zero etc.)
I'm just toying with ideas for a music video I would like to make of my car if I can find a safe area suitable for high rates of speed (obviously not 150mph but still up there) while being relatively deserted.
Or you could pull the speedo apart, carefully take the needle off and stick it at the 150 mark and do 50mph giving one the illusion of neck snapping speeds.:D
What sorta car is it?
has anyone shoe-horned a 351 or 460 in one of those?
impretty sure his is a straight 6 4.9l hell i think they even made a 4 cyl mustang 2
Nope, its just a 4 cylinder. The big carb throws people off.