I cannot believe totse is back. (in some form or another?)
Still... it can't be like the old days can it?
Two people viewing BLTC? Times have changed, people have moved on.
I know I have.
I remember the days when registration was closed because of how many people used to frequent totse. Gosh...
So what is up guys, how's it been?
All variations aside, this will STILL only be like my third post in SG. :-P
Lesson #1: Please don't misuse the prefixes.
Lesson #2: Hi, I am Mayberry. Give me a dollar or else I will buttrape you.
Lesson #3: TITS OR GTFO
Oh and go huff some raid.
Why thank you! How cordial!
Haha, classic.
Hello, Mayberry, you can GTFO my TITS, because I will buttrape the prefixes all I want, and you'll be the one ending up giving me a dollar.
Here here! This IS SG after all.
So what you guys are trying to tell me
Is that nothing has changed. :fap:
Well you're the cheapest hooker I've ever met :thumbsup:
Totse has not changed one bit from the original besides a hi-def look and more features and shit.
IMO there are more old members than new still. It will take some time to get back to the way it was before. The original was the way it was at the end because it was open 20 some fucking years. When it first started out it a couple years to get more activity than this one even has now. I give it 6 months to a year to have constant activity.
Welcome back dude.
Oh and, huff raid. :hai:
Basically some dude is back and some shit
you might be disappointed though this place is pretty stagnant these days.
I remember this username from somewhere, not sure it was &T though...
No it wasn't.:facepalm:
I lol'd.
dexing, damn, I missed you... you need to post more.
I used to be on here as ClarissaDXM back when I did that shit...before I discovered pills... :sad:
I think I had another username also but I forgot it. Nobody special though.