I call myself a what? Oh, you mean the titles. When did they change? Regarding buying it, why inconvenience yourself for $30? Do you steal all your groceries?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model I had a module in networking last semester. You generally had to know what each layer was and the things it did. It was in a EEE dept. so mostly the lower levels like transmission protocols and error correction but we had to know higher level stuff too like ports and encryption (RSA…
What made you go Android over iPad? Every single time I've used an android tablet it's been very frustrating but every time I use an iPad I want to just throw money at the cashier! How smooth is the web browser, maps?
Could it be to do with splitting the small tech community between two whole subforums? Why not just have one Technology forum and then split it later when there is a demand?
So does the Nexus S (and plenty of other Android phones). Also, a lot of DSLR cameras do this too. I think sharing a picture with someone is more than enough location data; having the coordinates tagged along is just useful. It's such a cool feature to browse your photo's by location, automatically.
Am I being trolled? Seriously? You don't think you could get that information just from the pictures themselves? This has nothing to do with the iPhone.
You can just assign yourself a static IP to be the same as the other persons, it's not really 'spoofing'. That'll just cause conflicts though because at the Link Layer it checks against MAC addresses. What you're probably looking for is ARP Spoofing. Oh FYI, to assign a static IP on a UNIX variant (OSX/*BSD/Linux) you…
What the fuck? Is this just mindless iPhone bashing? Geo-tagging just adds location data to the EXIF. It certainly doesn't broadcast your location to everyone in the world. You can already do that by LOOKING AT THE FUCKING PICTURES! It's not a privacy invasion if I take a picture of Big Ben and my camera knows it's in…
This thread is now about your favourite apps: Tasker Cron for android. I use it to turn on silent mode and turn off wifi between the hours of 09:00 and 17:30 Mon-Fri (work hours). I also use it to turn on auto rotate at 07:00 every morning because I always turn it off when going to sleep and forget to turn it back on when…
Struct A struct is a C construct that allows you to group other variables within it. Think of a struct as a box that you can put other variables in. To define a struct you use the following syntax. struct point{ int x; int y;}; The semi colon is there because C ignores all (well, most) whitespace. I.e. the struct can be…
I'll just fire some random bits of knowledge out. Pointers A pointer is a variable type that points to another variable. I'm a fairly low level guy when it comes to CS, so I find it easier to think of a pointer as a memory address to a fixed size variable (because that's what it is). An example will help: You define a…
Yay! C is my favourite language because it's so simple. Only problem is that it doesn't look after you. It's up to YOU to make it look pretty. C invented the braces style programming, so other languages get it from C (Java, C++, C#, PHP, Javascript, etc). First thing you'll notice coming from PHP is that there is no object…
On the subject of patterns have a section of the password that changes per site. <mnemonic><somethingtodowiththesite><numbers><mnemonic> swe@s, bAc0N!t0t5se%6 swe@s, bAc0N!ebay%6 Your password is only as strong as the weakest database it's stored in. Change it around. Also, space bar helps for non-guessable passwords.
I average about 3-5. Sometimes more. Whenever I see a link I middle click and continue browsing while the other page loads. It means I'm never, ever, waiting for a page to load.
Should of rubbed it in your anu-I mean gums. I found a bag of pot once. About an 1/8. I was expecting a bear trap when I picked it up though. I imagined the police hiding behind every corner ready to pounce when I picked up the bag and my feet got caught in a giant rope/clamp. In reality a dealer had probably dropped it.…
Look at his username... you guys! :rolleyes: I hate the sound of emergency vehicle alarms. When they drive past me as I walk into university I almost wish the person they are carrying had just died before they got to them. To save my beautiful ears. :mad: Also, the sound of a fan after it's been going for a while and it…
Is cron hourly being run as root? Also, do you have mail set up? Whenever a command outputs something when cron calls it I get a local email (not gmail, my user gets on from my computer), at least, that's how it working with my set up and uni.
Linux, because it's easier to use and I don't have to bend over backwards to get it the way I want it. My computer does everything I want it to do, quickly. Example? Yesterday I converted 20 videos in an avi container to a wmv format to play on an xbox 360. It typed one command and left it for about an hour. My computer…
http://totse.info/bbs/showpost.php?p=175069&postcount=4 Please feel free to edit the script to your own liking. Use it as more of a base for your own backup. Also, man rsync.
This is what dropbox does anyway. Whenever you change a file, it makes a record of that change and backs it up. Same as rsync, it copies only files that have changed.
I backup daily (using a script I posted in the *nix section) because it only takes, literally, 10 seconds so it isn't an issue. Also I have a Dropbox. Did you know Dropbox works with symbolic links? So, in my ~/Dropbox folder I have a symbolic link to my ~/uni folder. Every file I create and every change I make, is…
I don't see how it's any different that my laptop with Google Chrome in full screen. If I so choose I can do all of those things with my laptop anyway so I guess the product isn't for me. I think it does have a market though; most people I see switch on their laptop, open up chrome and then go to Facebook. That is exactly…
There is a Dynamic Host Control Protocol server running on your router. Whenever a device gets on the network it says "Hey, I need an IP address!" and your router goes, "K, let me check my DHCP table for free IP addresses". It finds one and tells your computer to use it. This means that you can't really tell what IP…
Arch Linux or Linux From Scratch. Each major distro has it's own way of doing things. Arch Linux in particular keeps things simple with single init scripts for daemons that start up at boot instead of linking several daemons, from several different directories for different run levels. I like to keep things simple so I use…
I have an iPhone but I still do these things. I have all the apps I use most often on the first page so that I can get to it without any fussing about. Also, I've doubled the speed of the UI elements so everything is more snappy. Disabled 'Spotlight Search' so that the phone doesn't do any indexing in the background. Auto…
I don't quite know if this is what you're after but I do this to log into my University computers without a password: Generate an authentication key on your computer (just accept the defaults in the wizard):$ ssh-keygen -t rsa Then copy your ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the server you want to log…
You can build a computer inside a 27inch screen? With built in webcam + ambient light sensor + whatever else is in that thing? It's a good form factor, good OS, good support service and a clever design too, ever taken apart an Apple device? It's sex. The little things matter. And since no one else is providing any sort of…
I installed this on my Laptop and I am simply blown away. I love how the task bar is always there until something more important is in the way, then it tucks out of sight until you need it. Move that more important thing away? It pops back up ready to be used. I love the OSX style bar at the top too. Copying OSX is a good…
Here is my backup script. You just type 'backup' and it backs up the default directory. If you give it an argument it will back up that directory instead, for example:$ backup# backup /etc It just copies all the files to another directory (on my external HDD). If a file hasn't been modified then it is ignored. Also, it…
$ convert -strip imageWithExif.jpg imageWithoutExif.jpg or$ mogrify -strip image.jpg or even$ mogrify -strip *.jpg to strip all exif data. Convert/Mogrify come with the imagemagick package. It's available for all platforms.
Simple. Don't do online banking. If you're that worried about it. SSHing to your home PC or setting up a VPN to home would probably be the best bet though. So long as you only used your laptop. Running as a locked down user. Who can only SSH. Without X11, otherwise your keys could be being logged. Make sure you chop off…
If you're really smart you might even be able to find out their address! I mean, it's crazy simple to find out my neighbours address! I just have to look out my window and BAM! 3 someplace avenue! It's crazy the things people put on their doors! :rolleyes: What can you get on Facebook that you can't do by rooting through…
What is the output of:$ ls -l /dev/sd* It should list all sata drives and their partitions. For example mine outputs:$ ls -l /dev/sd*brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Apr 11 20:20 /dev/sdabrw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Apr 11 20:20 /dev/sda1brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 Apr 11 20:20 /dev/sda2brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 3 Apr 11 20:20…
I recently made a music remote for my phone. It controls MPD (Music Player Daemon) through a PHP/Javascript interface I built. It also uses a class someone else wrote. Hope that's some inspiration.