This girl can't smoke for shit. lol This girl ain't even that attractive either. She seems extremely lazy and dumb. She only looks good because she's young.
YouTube - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 OST - Mass Appeal YouTube - tony hawk's pro skater 3 soundtrack -06 del the funky homosapien - if you must. YouTube - R.A. The Rugged Man - King of the Underground YouTube - Mr. Lif - Phantom (Feat. El-P) (HQ) plenty of more but oh well.
IMO 1/4-1/2 remixes are decent. A remix to me is either another verse added, or a flip to the song itself. They gotta know what they're doing to make it a successful remix.
Why do girls always do this? Don't get me wrong though, but I saw some girls say this irl too. Also the term "White-Knight" is not entirely *chan. It's a universal term that teh internetz use just like lolcats.
This game was fun for a while, but I kept getting grouped up with bad people. I'm okay in this game, but this is ridiculous. That's why I stopped playing this game. I rather find better games to play. I only play when my friends are on. Fuck solo'ing queue.
This worked with a chick I was about to get with in High School. Unfortunately, we somehow switched roles and now she doesn't talk to me anymoar. :( But fuck it, I don't really care anymoar.
When I see these sites, I just don't know what to think. Either this is a one-night-stand type of website or it's some desperate person trying to end their loneliness. I suggest you shouldn't try it OP. Go to a church, club, school or convention event to find women. Go to places that make you comfortable too so you'll feel…
The community is semi-friendly. You would either team up with people who speak Spanish or some faggot ass otakus that spam emoticon throughout the whole game. Then on the other hand, you'll get faggots who think that they're the shit and will never admit to any of their mistakes. I admit I recently played ranked matches…
This was posted on Zoklet as well. Same text and errthing. lol I barely use mine. I only use it to keep in touch with old friends that's about it. When I do use it I gotta remember to put SFW mode on, because I can get caught by the governments or at least get frowned upon because of my morbid ronery mindstate. :o Even if you slow down his flow and songs, is lyrics are still meaningful. Not that "NIGGA-FUCKYOU-IGET-MONEY-PHUCKA" I remember I used to think Bone Thugs were fast, but their lyrics have no meaning to them. Watch this video. It sums up…
I remember how bomberman hero was the shittiest bomberman game, but I kept playing it iono why. The music in the game was awesome. Salt bombs and Ice bombs. Along with the weird camera angles made me feel dizzy. You're taking me back to my n64 days.…