Hell yeah it's all coming back. I remember those, we used to go skateboarding with them then played thps II. Really nice times. Quit the skating four years ago, went back since a few weeks... things are going nice :)
Practice makes perfect .. When I started playing guitar I only used my index finger, nog I use all five of them. What you truly want will be achieved if you keep working on it.
I was told they work on the same brain area that evokes pleasure. Could be, could be. But indeed, that combination is awesome. Also an enjoyable movie.
Good to hear you're alive and kicking. Marijuana is well known to make me very conscious about my heart beating. Two nights ago I had quite a bad fear, as if my heart would explode anytime due to the heavy beating. I woke up with a heartache and smoked some more that day, and everything was normal again.
I've had similiar experiences with lucid dreaming, but as you state it, drug use is most time of all the reason why I can't go through with lucidity experiments. Soon i'm planning to quit again for a while so that'll give me back my focus. The many experiences i've had however, were great. Dreams are a world on their own.
It appears the porn section has a lot to offer here. Maybe we can redirect users to a porn-only board, we'll lose half of the users but atleast it'll keep the community 'clean'.