Hi gents, GoingNowhere here. Just dropping in to see how everyone and everything is doing? Always miss the old Totse.com/.info and Totseans days. Thinking of starting blogging so I thought I'd pop back and see if there's anything that I could be doing here :)
Genuinely saddened to hear the fate of our fellow Totseans. I can honestly say that I considered them family and we had such good memories over Teamspeak and joint games on Team Fortress 2. DFG and Darthbeaver. Talking of which, what happened to the gent that we tried to convince to not commit suicide? I can't remember his…
If you show me what to do with vbulletin or direct me towards it I can learn! :) But I could do what I did last time and manage the text files and wordpress, that would probably be the most helpful thing I could do. Other than that, what specific jobs are needed at the moment? If you write down a list of things to do and…
Excellent, that's really great dude! I love tech so that's awesome. If there's any way I can help, or do anything music-wise (for example if you need a jingle at the beginning of your broadcast) please let me know!
Awesome.... just to update, mobiles.co.uk sent me the wrong phone... sigh, I've literally been speaking to them for hours. Originally, they were selling me something that wasn't in stock hence the reason why the payment was not going through and now this, then on another day their system went down. So no phone till…
Thanks for the feedback bro :) Wow yes that docking charger looks pretty great I must say.... very tempted, at the non-sony one is good if not better!…
I'll be getting an Xperia Z1 soon :D Very much like the Z2, camera is the same (which is the best thing) but some bits and bobs in the phone is slightly different spec. The contract is amazing though, free phone at £17 odd pound a month for unlimited texts, calls, and 1GB of internet.
If I'm honest.... I wasn't too much of a fan of this. The acting was good, particularly in the role of Four (Theo Williams) who managed to elicit a air of both strength and fragility, especially with the role he played with Tris (Shailene Woodley). Likewise the city looked great and so did the surrounding environment. It…
Sigh.... I'm changing my life too. This year has sucked. However, going to start posting regularly now :) Glad you're doing awesome though, onwards and upwards! :D Sounds like it's a change on every aspect of your life.
Thanks friend :) Might go to the Apologist Christians and see what they have to offer by means of logical reasoning and argument. With respect to the chaps that I know in a church near me, they can't seem to provide me with answers. Nice guys though, and I do count them as friends.
What was the point of the flood? It was the first genocide recorded in the Bible, commanded directly by God, and achieved nothing. Indeed it was done because the inhabitants where Evil yes? And yet after the flood nothing changed, just like Sodom and Gomorrah. There is a few things in the Bible that have me miffed, and I'm…
Oh how marvelous. You know, when it says not safe for work you really do mean it haha :p Pretty odd state of affairs, theres people who get off on stuff like that (beheadings, etc).
Thanks Dak, I'm just seriously frustrated but luckily enough the anger side doesn't exist with me otherwise I probably would be. I spent a couple of days doing my piece of coursework. I went into the uni library and had written everything that I needed to do. You know how much I did? Sod all that's how much. Hours and…
Yeah, stuff like Adobe takes up a massive amount of space. So does music programs too because they all have allot of plugins. I've got Sibelius, Cubase, and Ableton Live with quite a few plugins like Ivory Pianos.
Welcome to .info bro :) Most of us on the board were at the original too, and we still got all the old Totse files to access I think if your interested in that. We're deciding on a new direction ourselves, so I hope you stay with us.
^^ We had a few of those desks in college Might try it actually, maybe it would keep me more focused on my work :) Glad to hear your still keeping up with the Jumpstyle DFG, great stuff :D
Out of interest though, surely a camcorder would just be a better thing? You said getting a camera for video, and yet if you get a camera for video it will be good for video and amazing for pictures. If you get a HD camcorder it will amazing at videos and good at pictures which is what your looking for. Also, considering…
Please do DFG! :D Someone filming from Europe and America would be America would be exceedingly boring, but I love watching something completely different. Same when I watched your uni videos, really great stuff.
Very odd stuff to say the least. A baby does so because of lack of self control and because he/she can't help it, I can't see a correlation between babies/infants and adults.
Happy new year Totseans. We're still standing strong with a close community. Hope that this year brings real change for the website but most of all keep us together. I know that I'm in it for the long run.
Thanks for the support friend :) It's not something that I want to continue with after the marathon, as I'm pretty sure that if you run for an extended period of time I will get some long term damage like arthritis or something. What I'm aiming to do is get into road cycling, but I need to shell out for a proper road bike…
I don't know, I'm still in education :) However I do know that every musician I've ever known is up to their eyeballs in work from day to day. I don't know how I feel about a life of continuous work like that but I love music and what I have done doesn't feel like work so far.
That is the secret that I've never told anyone and the key to my happiness. I love my own company. The word loneliness has an incredibly bad reputation and negative connotations to it. I do have friends, and believe me I have more amazing friends than anybody that I have met and more than I can wish for. However, I have…
I must say, this is one of the greatest things I have seen this year. I am going to save that to my desktop and use it again later, you sir are a legend for creating that. :D Merry christmas to you!
Ahh dude it sucks doing essays over Christmas, got an essay to do myself but like you say it's nice to chill for a while :) I'm at home at the moment, and I'll probs end up starting it a week or two before lessons start when I get back to London from Wales. You should upload the report for us to peruse, or send it to me…
Some great entries here. I've just got a new phone myself and it's just opened up a new world of possibilities. [URL="[url]https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.strava.run&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5zdHJhdmEucnVuIl0[/url"]Strava Run[/URL]: This app is amazing as it records the Calories,…
Thankyou my friend, very kind of you to say so :) Things have definitely picked up from since I created the Totse account, when i was quite down about my future. Happy days now though. How about your good self, what have you been up to? I hope you've been keeping well :) YES! TRX is back :D :D Nice to see you mate, I hope…