8. Don't bother. Liberalism comes to the right conclusions sometimes, but for the wrong reasons. It's just vague utopian idealist humanist pseudo-leftist bullshit. What IS fun is to point out Obama's habit of doing the same things that Liberals hated bush for.
Well that last one was that great. Looking back I took way too much., not OD but all jittery with my heard at 140bpm. So I pulled an all nigher with a bit more mph. Not the best recreational drug.. It's fun, snorting like 30 is a real good kick if you're already in a good mood, but you can't rely on it. Least I never get a…
Father has a piss fetish. ... That's about it.. or maybe it just sticks out because it rocked my childhood considering I found out before I even found out about sex. Most other crazy shit about people I know are their distinguishing attribute not something I found out later.
Wow.. What I wrote ^ was so.. stupid and immature. Meh. 50mg MPH up the nose.. just chewed a 36mg SR too. Good thing I have some benzos left over for this one! :hai:
KKKlonopin KKK 2 mg WHITE POWER PINK POWDER UNDER THE TONGUE RUN FOREST RUN XXXanax 1.5 mg XXX PORN POWER WHITE POWEDER UNDER THE TONGUE NOT UP THE BUNG the lack of tolerance is a thing invented by god herself and passed down to THE MOTHERFUCKIN TIME
Yacy. http://yacy.de/ It's a P2P search engine. No, it doesn't search for torrents, it's actually search engine with a p2p structure. Scroogle was nice too but I'm not sure it works anymore. edit: Nope, doesn't look like it. But here's the link in case they ever fix it. http://www.scroogle.org/
http://www.taydaelectronics.com/ Dirt-cheap parts. I've gotten some IR mosfets that were some knockoff brand, defective voltage regulators, etc. But overall they're damn good for the price. EXCELLENT friendly service and fairly fast shipping, even if some of their stuff is chinky. Hell, I'd say 95% of what they sell is…
That's really not a bad idea. How else can you have a retina-quality vagina-on-a-stick closeup roll through down the sidewalk? Maybe even program it to knock people on the head, tip over some midgets, fling your ipad into the fireplace.. You could probably even have it roll up to the dinner table playing a video of someone…
Prepare for a baggie of CDIP chips! :hai: $60-70 is an absolute ripoff for that. I'd give you some of the DDR 512s that I have laying around but I don't think I could fling 'em that far.
Dude, that's what the ketchup is for. It overcapacifies the performancificator so it can transmitulate on a higher plane of existence. This is elementary stuff.
The guy's a joker. Ain't gonna work, nada, nope, no way. That ketchup talk and the way he made it harder than it had to be to get the wires out of the earphone cord, I almost quit watching. But when I saw him gluing insulated wire (remember, each strand is coated with enamel) to the remote board, I started to feel sorry…
And yet you ignore tendencies. Luxemburgists love to harp on and on about how it's all Lenin's fault for using the state as tool, and how that allowed the degenerate bureaucracy. Trotskyists would jump at the chance to explain to you how Luxemburg was wrong and it's all Stalin's fault. The point is that very little that…
Have you ever read Marx? Judging from what you said, I highly doubt it. I'd love to take up a debate but insults don't help that. Perhaps this bit on freedom of the press will catch your interest, or at least confuse your perception of Marx as the devil's sister's friend's coworker's brother.
If I was gonna build that I'd probably replace the zener regulator with a 78L33. There's no way in hell you're gonna get acceptable battery life with that zener regulator.
Yeah, the post was meant to be short-ish. I'm not going to cover all my bases in an thorough academic analysis when a dead bearded dude did it already. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch01.htm https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch02.htm…
Interesting but it's a shame he didn't let the drugs be the only influence. Would've been better if he tried each time to draw with realism, or had some constant motif so the effects of the drugs on the drawings would be easier to discern. Sort of muddles everything up when you can't tell what of the weirdness is from the…
For anyone who's not experienced in weaponry, those things at the top are so you can attach a hose and have the little pellet things fly out and kill whoever you aim the hose at. Just wanted to let you know. :o
hahaha fuck am I laughing at myself now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg0QEpXYmUw I think I got concerto confused with orchestra.. goes to show I don't know shit :facepalm: edit: check out the coments on that vid YOU HAVE NO FUCKING AUTHORITY TO SAY THAT IF YOU WERE BORN IN 1972 JESUS CHRIST
The way I see it, it's foolish to seek "a religion". To do so is basically admitting that you care nothing about the factuality or lack thereof that the religion is based in. You've got a bunch of people who say they are the right way to salvation and whatnot and seeking a religion is basically putting all your stock in…
Anyone having any better luck than I am understanding the lyrics? All I can make out is "....brotherhood from the twilight and across the sea" around the 2:20 mark. I know the last 2 are Brahms pieces so those are easy.. It's the era of peace one I'm having trouble with.
Let's take Lenny Bruce for instance. Perfect example of a 'good Jew'. Why? If Lenny wasn't racially Jewish and was all else the same, I think you could probably agree his being good or not wouldn't change. Add the jew-ness back in and the 'good' part still doesn't change, but the jew or gentile part does. Now consider…
Evven if you can't mount them on a live cd, you should probably use dd (mind your ifs and ofs) to make an image of them. The image will still be encrypted, but at least then you can write the image file to a different drive if they die. What brand of laptop? Model? Is it third-party or a feature of the laptop? Take a…
Honestly, it seems pretty intentional. Here's a good one not on the list: There's also this, but it's not a real toy.. Apparently it's an art object and the guy's excuse for it is that he's Polish. :facepalm: http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/imagebuzz/terminal01/2009/1/27/11/you-can-shave-the-baby-28646-1233073117-3.jpg
I think this is fitting:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJWUrUYGs2g A good read but there's a few A PRETTY BIG BUTTLOAD things that don't stick: Moral, sure. Morality is nice, but a topic like this is best to be looked at from a logical point of view. At that, people who aren't people yet can't suffer. Should humanity be…