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  • Wow, you're going to be shoveling that pile for a long time. Hopefully you're a Jewish shit shoveler.
  • Where it really takes an interesting turn, is when you start exploring how a belief was formed in the mind before the knowledge to support it existed. That's brainwashing. Just like the mindless idiots who tell you that smoking causes cancer; but when you ask what study they could cite that proves these findings, the…
  • You only say this because you don't understand atheism. Religious people can't understand the position of an atheist, as one would have to be an atheist to do so. When it comes to atheism, there is nothing to defend, and nothing to disprove. God is faith based, not based in any evidence at all. There is no onus on us to…
  • He wasn't necessarily insecure. I'm not insecure, but I'd probably come over and ask my GF if some guy was bothering her, and then give her a kiss. Especially if she was drunk and I felt she might be in a vulnerable situation. I don't trust guys, and I don't know what kind of fucked up person they are, and the shit they…
  • Men make more money on average because on average, men are way more aggressive and assertive. Men are more likely to demand raises and promotions. If you don't ask for better, people will stick it to you.
  • Do what I do. Invest in what you know. I know a lot about he energy sector as it relates to my work in huge ways. If work is coming my way, someone is about to make a lot of money. Really though, in these times, as long as the company you're investing in is in the black, you're likely to make money on it as the economies…
  • There won't be a burst here in Canada. The Bank of Canada just keeps slowly raising interest rates to reduce the value of homes over the next 5-10 years as to not cause the equity in the majority of mortgages to fall below the debt owed on the mortgage. I'm sure some people will get fucked, but not enough for the bubble to…
  • My GF doesn't hang out with other men alone out of respect for me. I never asked her to do this, she just feels that those relationships aren't worth jeopardizing our relationship. Why create a situation where something can happen, if that's not what you're looking for.
  • I don't mind Christian women, because I can use the bible against the hard cores, and the moderates don't seem to care I'm an atheist. I have no respect for religions at all, but they work great for controlling people, since that was the purpose of their design. It's pretty awesome when you can turn disrespect or…
  • Or, she's worried you see her sores on closer inspection. And OP, the clit is what you lick man. That's on the outside, so you're tongue doesn't have to be long. Do you want a manual or something?
  • Well, I'm a guy. Being a sadist or masochist isn't gender specific. I'm a male sadist, and you're a female masochist, but apparently we share the same fetish, just from different perspectives. I should also note that domination and discipline are aspects of training. Lets say I was training you to give me head. Every time…
  • I'll also add discipline, training, and general domination. Also, are you a chick?