The info on the card is the number and expiration date. And that is possibly encoded. Code is a language; if you write code full of spelling mistakes and incorrect syntax you will have errors up the ass and get nothing done.
You dont need english. But understanding grammar and having the discipline to use it is a good sign. That easy principle isnt that easy. And it doesnt even come close to actually cashing out the cards. I have Kaching and its tight. Check your signature out buddy; you're a master coder.
I'll start making notes of it; but the thing with missing posts is that they are hard to identify. Theres been a couple that were moved but some have just straight out disappeared off the face of the earth. TDR's response in this thread doesnt fill me with confidence that he wouldnt be deleting posts.
Oh really? Easy in principle? Or you actually think you could do it? If you cant handle the rules of writing in common english I doubt you can manage to write up code. And you'll need code. You need to affirm it through the keypad to get the number, and even that will be some hashtag that the banks servers will convert. I…
Or you can go alternative entry straight into university. The deans have a huge amount of discresion regarding enrollments. hell, theres probably even some program to help you out. But then again; university is not a key to success. I got to my position through my own hard work, learning on the job and making things happen…
Actually I'd be running the tab through a real bank.,commbank-launches-contactless-payments-app.aspx The phone is a platform to access data and make calls. The banks can use this platform to build a secure data connection and boom - you have a new wallet. Me, I love the idea.
In all honesty I aprecciate what you're doing but we are on very different life paths. The marriage thing is something that I'd consider but the stories of it going well are few and far between. I figure I can avoid the financial complications with some trickery but getting married seems to be the first step to getting…
Great point, I agree wholeheartedly and offer the GTD as an extension for people who really really want to get more things done. I use technology to get more things done; if you check out the GTD concept you'll find that it really does boost the amount of things you can manage at any given time - but organsing yourself…
And i get accused of shitting up threads. And referring back to that i'll reiterate that there is no universal theory that has been proven correct in regards to OP's post. white88enochian's assertation that interbreeding can produce a different species is correct. A natural barrier between two sets of species (such as a…
I had a legit quesion that got moderated away here. Were you married for a period of 11 years twice; or married twice over 11 years? Assuming that the former is true (as implied by the grammar) what occurs at 11 years? Is an actual concept like the 7 year itch or just a cooincidence? If the latter statement is true i'd be…
That shits for casuals. I feel that if you arent motivated to do what you're doing - then you arent doing the right thing. Once you have you mindset on track you can start to focus on getting things done.
I'd say that the risk/reward ratio is skewed in favour of taking risk. If you can get away with using a coupon for something thats 200; you may as well go for the 400 and catch the same charge. Do some research about what the threshold limits are; Do cashiers need a managers key for coupons with over a $50 value? A few…
And rather than elaborating and contributing to the thread you call me skippy and say some things about turds. You havent elaborated on your point so Im not amazed that my response was in the wrong direction - albeit highly relevant to the thread. I'll be interested to see when you actually put some effort into a reply…
Perhaps you dont, if you refuse to elaborate nobody knows. I would imagine that whatever it is you do know comes from the wider body of knowledge out there in the world. Heres some facts from that body of knowledge; Fact: There is no single evolutionary theory of human mating strategies proven correct; let alone a single…
I trolled myself by thinking anyone on totse would be able to talk about money. Im going back to the hot copper forums for that. And useful financial information is what? Its a complicated topic. I opened this thread asking if people have any strategies or plans - including a link to a very basic (very popular) financial…
Google are the big boy because they are relentless in their own R&D and the engineers they take on. Because of the low cost entry to the industry the chance to get a foot in the door to the industry and shake things up is not hard; but once people are all using platforms such as iphones or similar to access the internet it…
Looks like the wind at the top of the bridge got him. I'd guess that that hurt. When i first started riding motorbikes i nearly got blown over on a bridge once but you learn to bank into the wind and sharpen you're reactions against it.
Millitant atheism is a cult all of its own. He tries to make a point and instead of banning burqua's they start letting people wear strainers. Stoopid. Enjoy wearing the strainer sir.
You're missing one of those words that gives the entire sentence meaning but I think I catch the drift. And I disagree; and such disparaging remarks should frankly earn yourself an infraction. I dont doubt i wont be missed from money money money because it is a wasteland where any attempts to actually talk about money…
Im going to USA for a few months early next year but I have a few connections over there already. I'm mostly going for snowboarding which is why im hitting up canada as well. And of course my flight there goes through vegas. Are you going to just NY or a few cities? The cost of the flights is one of the biggest so do as…
I've never seen a big red fight but i've seen the eastern greys fight plenty. The meat is gamey, but signficant less so than venison; but i would liken it to a scotch fillet mixed with lamb shanks. Its not tough if cooked properly and has a whole lot of tenderness.
Lets forget about whos going to be successful and why for another thread and get back on topic because it doesnt really matter. I'll just say for now that someone has something or they dont and you can steal it from them or not. Someone stealing your goods from behind your back; by breaking into your house or bumping into…
Yeah i hear you guys also dont have paw paw ointment either. But i guess they make up for it with GMO and HFCS everywhere. Fuck yeah Kangaroo. All natural, All lean, All flavour.