Personally, it seems a lot like you care. But if you say so. I'm sorry you feel that way, and I'm sorry if I've offended you. Like I said, it's good that you can laugh. You deserve happiness. Anyway, I can see my apology is beginning to cause problems, so I'll be going now. I really am sorry to all of you, and I do wish…
No, as I explained, it's not about where it happened, or who it happened to, or any of that. It's the principle of the matter. It's not taking anything too seriously. I don't desire to stay. I've long gotten over this sort of thing, but not so much forgiven myself for the behavior I exhibited here. So I needed to this for…
I'm not familiar with the word "plenary". :confused: But I assumed since you were saying something contradictory to my point, and sort of still are, you don't. If I was being clear, I suppose you'd understand that it's not about anyone caring. I'm sorry you feel that way. Thanks for the advice, I suppose. Best wishes. :)
It's not passive-aggressive. Really. Not aggressive at all. Passive I suppose. I'm just trying to be clear, honestly. I have terrible compulsions to do so these days, but it's good I could make you laugh, even if it's just at a misunderstanding. I don't see how you could get that from what I've said, but you deserve to…
I don't use MSN anymore. So I'm not sure what to PM you. I'm not. It's just the principle of the thing, the feeling behind it, then and now. Has not a thing to do with where it happened, or to whom, or why. It's part of my self-healing process. It's not taking anything seriously except that, because I know you can't…
Oh, no, you misunderstand. It's not. It's for the sake of clarity as I said. It's not for you. It's for me. I care. It's an OCD thing sort of. Sorry if I'm still not being clear and that's making it hard for you to understand. I have trouble with that these days, brain fog and all. I'm doing my best though. I apologize if…
I know. I just thought I was clearer than that in my post, and I apologize for the lack of actual clarity, I suppose. That's all. I wanted to apologize, but I didn't want to cause any further trouble. So just for the sake of just being clear, I will be leaving again shortly.
God, you're a moron. I made this thread in response to this crap, so what? Pre-emptive punishment? You say some of the stupidest crap to try and cover your ass sometimes. But it's not even that I take it personally, or I'm insulted, it just completely sucks every last bit of fun out of this place for me. I mean, if I'm…
If it were funny. I might be fine with it. But it's not. Ever. Even remotely. Just because you think you're so fucking clever doesn't mean your jokes aren't the lamest on earth. They're not creative even. Just pointless. Make better jokes, and I'll be fine with it, but if all y'all are gonna do is this crap, then I want my…
I'm not sure I see the point. I had great ideas for other guides, but a few hours of hard work, and I still get more unfunny/uncreative fat jokes than anything else on this website even after doing exactly what I was told. So at this point, I guess totse may just not be my thing. It's so boring and pointless for me these…
Yeah, they're sort of lame. But I like them, because I like going places in general, and the atmosphere is exciting. I was setting up the apology. Jeez. If I simply said "sorry" y'all would be complaining about how I didn't say what for, so it's not like I can ever win with you guys, anyway. =/ I've never had fair food,…
Uh... is there some kind of rule? If not, then why? I can call it whatever I'll want. I can refer to the site as bob if I want to, but then people wouldn't know what I was talking about. with &T, they'll know, so... yeah... But if I could make calling totse "bob" a thing where people would understand what I meant, then…
When I saw them talking on The Doctors about how hand sanitizers can be dangerous because of the alcohol content, I laughed, because I never thought anyone would be that stupid. But &T never fails to prove me completely and utterly wrong about everything...
He-Man germs... heheh. But I do when need be. I don't do it frequently though as it dries out my skin, and excessive hand washing of any kind can actually be detrimental. What those things fail to tell you is they kill 99.9% of the GOOD bacteria on your hands as well. I never use it as a substitute to hand-washing, though.…
I know that. -_- Hence the "haha" to imply I realized you were joking. Seriously... But it like... it's sort of not that funny when used in that context, because it's still doable. Yeah. >.< I don't know. I felt I needed to include most of the information I did, so it ended up being longer than expected. But I'm really…
Yeah, but like... through all my years of having anxiety/panic issues, the focus has been on avoiding them, using skills like these to decrease anxiety before it gets to the level where one would have a panic attack. I've never really been told what to do if you have one. =/ With me, I just have to retreat to a "safe"…
Ta da! I think it looks pretty spiffy, if I do say so myself, but then, I guess I'm probably a terrible judge of my own work. Oh well.
Medicating Sometimes for some people anxiety may take a little extra kick in the tush. Lots of anxiety issues can be solved without medication. But not all cases are so simple, so for some of you, it may come to that point. But before you let your doctor shove some SSRI's and benzodiazepines down your throat, you really…
Haha, well, they could, technically, because the character limit is 15,000 characters, so over 9,000 would be doable for them, because after 9,000, they have a good 6,000 more they could do. But yeah, I can't believe I didn't realize that before I said anything. I feel dumb now.
Oh. Duh. :facepalm: I'm sort of really overlooking the obvious today. >.< But still... it'd be nice to ask a mod first just in case... but there aren't any online right now, are there?
That's what I was thinking, but I wanna make sure that's allowed, maybe have a mod confirm it or something. Because if it is allowed... why do we even have a character limit? :confused:
This made me remember this video. Haha, like my start on youtube that day, just fooling around with some old digital camera. You know, I really can't imagine how my life would be now if I'd never been into jump rope. It effected me so much...
Yes, but I mean... at five you don't think things like "wow, I should probably go exercise instead!" you just don't. Your understanding of what you're doing isn't that detailed. So that's what I was saying. Few people who start that young are going to consider exercise as an alternative before doing something like that.…
I'm not going to change something that is a part of me, and that other people in my life enjoy just to bend to your will. On pretty much every other website I go on, they find it funny. It's a matter of opinion. I cannot be WRONG about it. I'm not blaming anyone, but I don't have to bend to your every fucking command. Who…
No you were being an asshole, and way too late anyway. And I was speaking in comparison, and when the thread had been dead for hours, and active not nearly as long, in comparison it IS a long time. You say your advice is good, but all you do is harass me. I don't want your God damn advice, because you're a fuck face loser,…
Yeah, I know. >.< (Withdrawal makes it difficult, though...) Which is why I didn't intend to come on here until tomorrow, because I'm going to be getting high, but then I did, and I got sucked in, and quite honestly, all this has relieved a great amount of my stress today. I mean, if I didn't take my anger out here, it…
Y'all are really obsessive as fucking hell about people, aren't you? i mean, fuck, to remember this and hate on her after four effing years. Solid proof none of you have even the slightest bit of a real life. -_- It honestly sickens me. Maybe funny a month or two, but after several years you're not over it, you're just…
Yes. It'd been dead for a long time, there was absolutely NO reason to bring it back up, except you're fucked in the head and have this obsessive need to harass a girl you don't even know at every chance you get. Compared to the threads life span, it was probably dead twice as long as it was active, so bringing it back up…
Well, you can't please everyone. It's an opinion, so naturally not everyone is gonna think someone is funny. Like I don't think you're funny. But it's a matter of preference. Opinion. It's not like you get this type of sense of humor and then everyone thinks your funny all the time, that's not how it works.
Okay. I thought it might be like that. Just never seen humour spelled that way, and I just wondered so I thought I'd ask. I hate how spellcheck doesn't go ahead and recognize both with words like that. =/
When you're five, it's not like that. You don't REALIZE what it is you're doing well enough to choose something else. -_- So it's not that simple in every case.
Is humor not spelled... well... humor? Humour is incorrect according to my spellcheck... I don't think I've ever seen it spelled that way before, either...
Sometimes like with lolspeak and stuff, but that one just LOOKS like a total mistake, which takes it down a couple of notches for me. And hey, is it not supposed to be me speaking? I don't speak with spelling mistakes. =P I try to never type with them, and I don't even know how one would speak with them, so I definitely…
Not sure how much chill pills will help. I'm as irritable as hell lately... coming off some medication, having some slight withdrawal symptoms. But I'll try. Why a girl? All the best pics I have are of guys jumping rope... =/