I'm not your English teacher, cunt. I'll humour you though, just in case you'll manage to take some criticism and not be a sarcastic bag of dicks. Passive syntax, reads poorly. Your whole piece is riddled with passive syntax; it reads broken. I'm glad you're not one of those people who says vague things and never backs…
Zig-Zag Super Thin. I guess I'm just not a paper connoisseur... I have however been a paper fiend and tried to roll with some weird shit. Tampon papers not withstanding...
Article reads like a ramble and your sentence structure is pretty terrible in parts.I'm not an American so I couldn't give less of a fuck about your inalienable right to be a teenage hero, the core of the post was interesting enough I guess.But yeah, that shit you said about the police...that's mostly retarded and…
Do it and tell me it doesn't make you want to become a tweaked out vagabond. In keeping with all the quality literature being read around here, I am now reading Star Wars: The adventures of Lando Calrissian Because It's all I can find. It's deep. Fuck yeah.
You could just discretely follow them home, and slash tires/put a spike strip directly behind the tires. If proper precautions were taken, it'd eliminate any legal problems that might arise. If you're trying to send a message, leave an anonymous letter in his letterbox explaining why this has happened. Be smart about it…
That would explain it. The only person I know who smokes it regularly brings pouches back from Great Britain by the bag, He is a Scotsman and a total cunt. You can however find it over here, in the odd suspiciously well stocked deli/convenience store, the kind that usually keeps nangs under the counter.Why are there always…
I will see what I can put together for you, I'm about $194 short of a ticket back home to Australia at the moment, which is where my hard-drive is. I'd say I'd have your torrent ready by next week :hai:
If you do happen to make a torrent compilation, I have truckloads of this style of music (it's the type of music I tend to make) I'd be more than willing to contribute time and effort into making it the best goddamn playlist ever. Isn't/wasn't there a totse.info radio station...If so, this playlist now has it's forum as…
The flashbulb, brilliant stuff. If you liked Emancipator dfg, chances are you'll love this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aq9YGCsdSE Though not strictly instrumental, the vocals certainly aren't even close to the focus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxJk59E_SMs
Also Op(trollin'), how is fitness a variable in this? Does the tautness of your calves affect the way this 'outfit' looks or something. Or while working your traps( and thinking about working those traps!) do you just like to think, 'Chestbrah!, I'm a fit motherfucker...and look at my leg accesories! Fuck yeah!' Serious…
Because I'm basically poor, I don't have a good story about being inside Toys'R'Us...But when I was younger we discovered the Toys'R'Us 'defective items dumpster'. 2 week out of date choc-orange never tasted so sweet. Also,white88enochian...your broken sig makes me think of colouring books. I fucking sucked at colouring as…
We did the same thing with CS. The miracles of what a thumbdrive can do eh ;) Cool post OP, how many maps are there for it though? That video show's just the one...
In no order of preference: Mystery Science Theatre 3000 Space Ghost Coast to Coast Archer Breaking Bad Sons of Anarchy Firefly Twin Peaks The Might Boosh IT Crowd
Amanita Muscaria caps are great if you want to catalog and experience the acute feeling of poisoning yourself to death. Seriously, nothing good ever comes from deliriants. Unless being found stark naked, captaining a pillow fort in your bedroom, and loudly accusing everyone of being co-conspirators with the 'neighbours' is…
We are both waiting on about 5 job interviews, though realistically the jobs need to provide a wage that covers basic living needs, accommodation (unless we roll with a homeless shelter or get back to Toronto) as well as a reasonable amount to add to savings. Whilst I know it is possible to find work like that, and given…
There a few things worth mentioning actually. Firstly, I have a bunch of money back home in the form of unreturned tax. If we could hold out for a while, that should cover most of the return (~$800) So A) Jump a train back to Toronto and wait for tax return to filter through whilst simultaneously earning money from some…
13 when 13. She rode me like I was her bitch. It hurt. An ex's mother tried to get me arrested for statutory rape once. I was 16 by about...3 weeks, she was 15.
My AWD(Subaru outback) absolutely charges through fuel, for a while I was going through a tank every 3 days or so. Fuck I wish I lived closer to my uni.
Either just reason with his parents that the constant bothering of your family isn't acceptable. Orrr make up something about it acerbating your 'condition' and then stare them in the eyes, add a distinctively rapey glint if you can. That or go away for a few weeks and I'm sure it'll break his routine of wanting to latch…
1.2C-B - Far and away my favourite phenethylamine( that I have known, loved or had a dirty one night stand with). It used to be an aphrodisiac for a reason ;) 2.DMT - Hesitant to put this on a list of 'favourite' drugs, simply due to the fact it isn't really that kind of recreational. If you've done it, you'll know what I…
Tourniquet off, pump up the jams and gently insert the needle. If you are too rough you can push right through and cause the vein to collapse. It's as simple as it sounds.
^Brave New World is one of the 'better' dystopian imaginings, better than 1984 IMO. Onto some of the fun stuff-Synaptic self. and some object orientated java programming books.
I will now imagine you masturbating furiously whenever you post anything, ever. My feelings are mixed. In entirely unrelated news, I rub it dry. Also, I find the shower to be over-stimulating, and flaky jizz turns up in weird places hours later.
Depending on what you define as 'not enough time'(i.e. you can't afford to stay up all night), you could always just reach into a magical bag of benzo's and knock yourself out at the right time. Still, I don't really think you can classify a full blown hallucinogenic experience as something you can 'jump on and off of'.…
Should've sunk them a few feet underground and turned it into a grow op/methlab. It'd pay itself off and then you could have all the poorly insulated sea containers a man could conceivably need!