i think when you set super high expectations for anything you are going to end up disappointed.i don't think it was the best but it wasn't the most awful piece of shit ever.the amount of hype it was given was abit ridiculous.
my dad has been an actual hardass his whole life but now that he is in his mid 50s i could probly fuck him up if i had to.maybe not in one shot but still lol
the video didn't have a point..it was just a camera recording an event..here is something i think is kinda funny.i would be willing to wager that the vast majority of people that give him so much shit for being laid out by that guy wouldn't have the balls to shove that big mother fucker like Danzig did or to take a swing…
yeah i'm not getting in an internet argument with you..that's lame.the fact that being a dick to people online is probably the only way you can make yourself feel smart or Superior in some way is plenty for me.i don't really need to make you look stupid.now run along and kill yourself before you wast any more air:)
meh...im not feelin your sister so much..you are rather cute though. but as for the topic of discussion i have hot relatives but i really don't think i could eff one of them... mabby if it was a distant cuz or something and she was UBER smexy
been playin guitar since i was 15.i screw around with alot of other instruments though.once you know how music works and know how the notes are arranged on the instrument you can pickup and play almost anything