It wasnt but your response was informative regardless. Mostly I was temporarily stunned by a factual account of how close we go to nabbing that bitch osama. What I learned in class today was. Cant have war without some war crimes. Until we lose or someone pulls the debt rug out I guess its all fair game ITT FuckFace: I…
Safe from those last 10 bullets maybe. Seems excessive. Why not ban Hk-417s first? Anybody hear about the letter they found in his house? They say he wasnt acting alone....
Maybe the reason Im still not getting this is Mao did far more damage to his own people than the Japanese did. Maybe its because I view decapitation as a relatively quick death. Maybe its because I couldnt really picture walking until I died with people gibbering at me at shooting anyone who falls behind. Or maybe its…
You should find a method of administering drugs that wont kill you or take limbs off your body if you do it wrong. Try rectal insertion you'll probably enjoy it
It became apparent that hitler was a greedy meth head when he decided to invade russia methinks. Understandable that he would attack because it was the worlds greatest army sitting right on his back porch, still most of Europe is quite the prize. As for zionism. The jews did get an illegitimate nationstate, the free space…
Ive heard that ingesting certain nootropic drugs before you drink heavily can protect your brain from the rape that is being black out drunk. Anyone tried this?/Have heard something similar? I drink till I cant tell that Im drinking anymore
I think wikileaks is a good thing to have as a global community, It's interesting to me, as a noncombatant, to read through current events unfiltered by news corporations or governments. A digital breath of fresh air amidst a flurry of propaganda and slanted buzz words. From what I've heard some actions taken by the us…
Do anyone here think the original Nazi party was initially a corporatist enterprise? It seems that way to me. With the precursor to bayer funding Hitlers rise to legal political power alongside the steel industry that ran a good portion of the german economy at the time; which would have also been in support of the…
Yeah im clean now actually but it was a little unnerving for a few days. Got a open wound on my lip from that punch and I just couldnt be sure so I wrote a poem about it and everything worked out fine :thumbsup: :cool:
The list of books on his youtube channel leads me to believe he was relatively sane. The videos he actually posted on youtube imply otherwise. Im on the fence leaning towards suicidal tendancies, mixed with a powerful cocktail of politicized rhetoric and the training to kill mercilessly. She sure did keep on living though…
That makes it okay apparently Paper clips for a wifi antenna, be the first one one your block to access your entire neighborhoods wifi connections respectively!
Dude, wait, WTF :o The Unable To Hit Bongs Correctly gene has sucessfully been removed from the gene pool. Good job everyone thanks for all the hard work and good times Conserving water and recycling at the same time. You sir are truly a hero, seconded.
You can get free energy if you are willing to put countless hours into building circuits and connecting coils to switches and magnets with motors and batteries. Pay money for all that stuff you need then maintain the project that will likely only yield 120% of the voltage you put into the system (minus the power used for…
If the gas was in a pressurized container the gas should vaporize pretty throughly right? It's like the reverse of throwing explosives into a fire. Instead of the explosives just burning up you throw explosives into fuel and detonate the fuel adds to the explosive force pretty simple stuff guys lets get malicious here
I think at this point we should be handing out birth control drugs like candy. If they're free for everyone we wont have an overpopulation problem for very many generations. Around 6 bill we can start revving the rape engines again
What I like about capitalism is that no matter what you do someone will always do it for cheaper and that person is always replaceable regardless of how high in society they are. Like a rifle or car everything is standard and you can always just go find another piece, in fact they'll come to you practically begging to be…
Protip: Drugs fuck you up. If you dont want to be fucked up dont do drugs. Simple as that Some people can alter their conscience through means that dont require chemicals, to each his own
Are you sure this girl really doesnt want to rape you and is just using your naturally deviant mind as a tool to get her sick psychopathic satisfaction? Edit: What I was trying to say is shes probably a whore and has no interest in you
Its likely that they made the switch to drones to maximize efficiency and reduce human leaks. Plus drones can hover in higher atmospheres sos it dont take as long to dose everyone in a county. Also you dont have to run that stupid ass crop dusting square back and forth rows pattern you'll see hanging around in the skys…
Hehe I have a covert operatives training facility right next to My States Department of Transportation office complex, practically in my backyard. Many strange operations take place there on a regular basis. When you can tell it is on strings of unmarked vehicles and sometimes semis will appear to be parked on an unused…
We should launch a curved network of solar panels and assembly drones into orbit around the sun in between us and venus using cheaper unorthodox (viable and completely achievable with todays technology) chemical launch systems as soon as they can make lightweight panels as efficient as the silicon ones. Then hook up the…
I thought the plan was to commandeer an island, grow our own food sustainably and air drop/deliver it to the totse soldiers stationed on the mainland. After we hit up the rendezvous point for blunts and beers of course. We'd need some sams if we're going with the island though for sure
It is. However it requires you to pay attention and sit still for elongated periods of time sos it is, sadly, not for everyone. Oh and I think black people would be offended by this fucking assault on our freedom to write damn fine books. Any black people here? No? Wow shouldve seen that coming. That prof. is def a fame…
Anyone who didnt know totse was marked about 15 seconds after the second tower fell has serious learning disabilities. Every spy guy and their grandmothers are reading about your chemically enhanced child rape fantasies
For anyone interested the chemical reaction that goes along with this depletion of the Ozone goes like this. [Keep in mind that CCL3F is a manmade molecule that would not occur in our atmosphere be it that humanity never came down to the ground to start building roads and factories ect] 1. CCl3F+UV light -> CCL2F + Cl then…
I think you need a back rub. Take a load off and just live life for a bit. Not saying stop caring about everything but take it easy. In other words dont worry about being a hypochondriac and it will cease to be a problem in your life. Also, everybody get depressed, its a completely natural cycle that shows you are growing…