200mg is average dose in the area and quality of substance in our area but start at 100mg and redose in 50mgs you will have more of a prolonged peak rather than a quick up and down with having so little. Get a fury blanket and find out how much you love your sofa!
the simple fact i was marching for is that companies in the uk OWE £12billion in unpaid taxes public spending cuts were £80 billion...... the alternatives in making the cuts is make the companies pay their taxes...... this is why i was marching that is the alternative....
do you just sign up and use the key ? i tried but is says code is already consumed!! i have some codes for people tho....! AX28-M5D4-WSK9-P422 9TVW-V4FD-BRH6-PXAS 6RQF-P92R-RU5K-D43H AHWS-YQJ6-HGUF-BWSC
to be honest m8 its going to be the biggest european party of the year and is toaally what you make it to be ....... so if you arrive with that attitude you will have a shit time its the only illegal/legal event i do every year without fail!
nope but i am taking my sound system over there!! we are going to be doing the biggest void acoustics link up ever seen in europe :) gunna beone not to be missed if ya love the feeling of your bones rattle with the sub bass
i just try and sleep when i can thats the problem ...... normally dont get much time to myself to sleep when im in festival season 24 hour music and being the sound techhy normally makes it so i need to be up for whole festival or sleeping near by the equipment .... always problems or acts that want to link up there 9 midi…
dunno weather or not im even just to comment in here but - from what i see people are just lurking with 1 post to gain acess to the treads - you sould increase the mininum letter responce needed to class as a post ! i know that quoting doesnt count as a word count but will help in the short winded replies to threads. i had…
Dysgraphia is it just me or are you starting to notice women alot more just recently!?! 3 posts in one day about hot chicks :O sounds liek you need to get laid :P
i know what ya mean i almost wrote this girl that gave me soo much shit a letter ! but didnt just fucked her best mate instead made me feel loads better ;)
http://www.ftadviser.com/InvestmentAdviser/Investments/News/article/20110314/40788362-4e1d-11e0-a864-00144f2af8e8/Morning-papers-Japan-battles-nuclear-meltdown.jsp http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/03/12/world/asia/the-explosion-at-the-japanese-reactor.html?src=tptw this is the update it has gone partial meltdown!
take Lorazapam orally and just put a colourful movie on and melt in to the sofa watching it! anything ending in 'pan' 'pine' or 'dore' is part of the benzo familly commonly used for depression or addicts wanting to come off illegal drugs
welll if your just writing blocks of pointless longwinded replys it makes the user alot more likely to read it - i like short witty responces personally ;) only if they mean somethign not just someone saying....... your mum
make sure ya fick dont turn black now :P hahaha also you get to say yes at the sti clinic when they ask you have you had sex with anyone from outside the european union! lol
SWIM used to have sum blueberry snuff for festivals after SWIM would over endulge on cocain and have a sore nose .... sorted it right out .... aparrently ;)
found a gold mine for alt girls ;) http://www.badgothicdolls.com/ http://www.altbeauties.com/ http://www.emobeauties.com/ http://www.weloveanarchy.com/ http://devilteenies.com/
trx - there are loads of underground bunkers in my area because east anglia was the frount line for the americans at the end of the war!! if not go explore the chalk mines at rose hill ..... or there are some more abandoned chalk mines at harford...... i found something interesting in norwich at the new Homebase near NTS…