Hi thar noob. You're absolutely right, three things I can't believe I forgot. Re-fried beans are an absolute must, will probably go with the canned version. Shredded lettuce, also a must. Shredded romaine should do? Oooh, maybe some fresh green herbs. Cilantro? I fucking love olives, boyfriend does not. He's more of a…
You know I'd bang you any day of the week RemadE :D And bi-tendencies? Me and my boyfriend bang like ten chicks a week. Only bring her if she's hot though. I dunno, someone poking me means they had to'v thought about me, went to my profile then press the poke button. It seems to me not responding would be a slap in the…
PM me yer thingy and I'll add you. Fucking me means getting through my boyfriend then raping me though, I doubt you could take him down then still have the energy to hold me down and make me your bitch all in one go. If you can, you deserve to fuck me.
Who would make a new account on totse just to announce a Jackass dude died, seems hoaxarific to me. If he did die though, at least it wasn't from falling off a moving cow or something.
It reminds me of the font code I used when I was like ten an went in the neopets chatroom, or a cheap flash website or something. Looks like shit. It doesn't feel like an update at all.
I'm from the town Justin Beiber grew up in. He was a little douchebag, one of those jocks that thought he was the fuckin bomb, even before he was famous, going around smacking asses in front of their boyfriends and shit. I was pretty much the only homeless punk kid in town and used to panhandle at this one spot downtown,…
I'm actually a hell of a lot less grungy now. Still punx, but more 'crisp' punk then 'crust' punk. I'm still a skank though, that'll never change. :thumbsup:
Working in a restaurant the servers came back with some pretty funny stories. "Is the sauce for the duck ravioli vegetarian?" "Is the dish seasoned or do I have to do it myself?" Shit like that. People suck.
Good to know. I've gotta start befriending mormons. Friday night I drank a 12 pack from PBR dry, did some ketamine and some AC/DC speed and flailed and got laid. My Friday night wins cause I'm the only one that got laid. :hai:
Je ne suis pas une grenouille. I just moved here from Ontarioio. I just wanted to know if there were any of you around for a meetup :(. I am not spiteful. And I am definitely not frigid. :hrmph:
As if I'm the first Canadian to post. I'm in Toronto right now, I'm heading to Montreal tomorrow or the next day, then out east when the weather warms up.
I had to do 60 hours for court at the Salvation Army when I was like 15 or 16. The people that worked there were so creepy. This one socially awkward kid named Raymond would literally just sit and stare at me. Then he started telling the other people that worked there that he liked me and I liked him back, even though I…
:sad: This thread got me to thinking, what if totseans were the last people on earth. Most awesome society ever, probably. We'd have experts in every field.
Getting put under to get my tonsils out is probably the coolest thing I've ever experienced. All I remember is lying on the table with a bunch of doctors staring down at me. Suddenly I start feeling so goddamn high and start laughing hysterically cause I'm in a room of doctors high as fuck. Next thing I remember is waking…
The first thing I thought when I read this thread was "OH MY GOD WHO'S GOING TO FEED EVERYONE'S DOGS". First I'd go to all my friends apartments in my building and get all of their dogs, that's about ten. Then I'd head over to my old house and get those dogs, that's another eight. Luckily all these dogs are trained off…
I agree, lists are absolutely the way to go. The first time I need to do a good clean of a new place I make a list of what order I'm gonna do it in. Usually I don't keep lists and rarely even refer back to them, but getting your thoughts organized on paper is a good thing.
Moms family christmas is pretty scattered and sometimes hardly resembles christmas at all. Christmas eve: My sister goes to bed early, my mom kicks me out of the room and franticly rushes to rap all the presents. Christmas day: My sister wakes us all up at some ungodly hour. I hand out presents, we open them and flail…
Porn fucking rocks dude. I like pretty much any porn, mostly girl on girl. But I've been turned on by most basic categories, including guy on guy. The stuff I don't like is the cheesy stuff with the girls with fake boobs and blonde hair extentions and tranny makeup. Really unrealistic. And I'm deffinetely not shy about it.…
What a coincidence! I drink every night too! Perhaps we could share one of these nights together! Graham's gonna be gone for tomorrow and the day after, I'm gonna be lonely gimme a call.
You know I don't scare that easily :) I don't have a computer, I use one at a drop in clinic across the street from my house, but it's only open 11-4 weekdays, and all the computers are usually taken. In a month I'm getting a place with my boyfriend (that's right, gotta go through him for tit pics, and he's super…