Uni's bumming me out too dude, hang in there cause (i'm assuming) life will rock when you are finished and raking in the big $$$'s (providing you aren't doing an arts degree).
OP would you mind rating those books for us /10. I've read the game and quite enjoyed it. I completely agree with you about most of it being BS with a few priceless gems scattered within. Any of those books worth buying/torrenting?
The saddest thing for me is after my 14 day stint during this comp, i have tried about 3 more times to stop jacking but never lasted more than a week. Basically, unless im in some organised event i can't help myself.
Listen namnasty, just post a pic of yourself because I have this mental image of you as some cute, brunette with glasses. I don't want to have been picturing that if you are some hideous beast.
I have some nokia piece of shit. It makes calls and sends text, i have my laptop for the interweb. This leaves me with +$800 profit for not selling out to fads. :cool:
Well for me it has been two weeks since i last fapped and i'm thinking of dropping out of the competition. I have proven to myself i can easily go two weeks and that masturbation doesn't have a hold over me. I'm definitely going to cut back though, no more 2-3 times a day. I have not fapped yet but i'm opting out of the…
Come to perth and we will hit up every bar and club in the city, not stopping until we get some!!! I would have done this already but all my friends are pussies that would rather play starcraft and watch TV then try to get laid.:mad:
I'm kinda over this, i really wanna have a fap... But i wont, simply because i dug my grave with all that crap i said before... I gotta get laid and quick...:mad:
I would like to tell myself "okay dude, just once a week" but i know that after that first taste of forbidden fruit, i will just be back to my old habits. The amazing thing i have found about not jacking it is that i stop going red in the face like kinkou. I'm blonde with fair skin and i have a tendency to go red when…
But if you guys want a round 2 then Jarkoff and I will just join the new one... Well i will at least, i don't really care about winning since it's just a competition against yourself.
There is a 0% that i will be giving in. I promised myself i wont jack it till i find a girl to do it for me. Besides i feel so much better now that i have stopped to the point where i can't see myself ever going back to it! :eek:
I'm feelin' good about this competition, I can't believe so many people have lost when it hasn't even been a week! If you can master yourself how can you possibly master life!?
Kinkou... I would take pix before hand just to show everyone that she ain't anything special without her myspace angles. EDIT: she is an e-zoklet-celeb so don't try playing that card...
I would remove my ADHD so i wouldn't require amphetamines just to pass uni. I would also exchange my introverted personality for an extroverted one so fucking cute girls would be effortless. Other than that i'm perfect. :)