I saw this on Australian television the other day and did some researching on their site. Basically, through some loophole in landownership law even if you own 1 square foot of say, Scottish land, you are entitled by law to receive the title Lord, Laird, or Lady; to be used legally instead of Mr./Mrs. That's exactly what the website below offers, selling you tiny pieces of land, ranging from 1 square foot for like 50 bucks to 100's of square feet areas (You legally own the land, and can hand it down as well as the title generation to generation lol). I'm thinking about doing it just for the lulz, to have it on my bank cards etc etc. Well actually, the project is more for environmental purposes, to make development on the land pretty much impossible as so many people own bits of the land, but yeah, titles are cool.
You also get a cool certificate thing (The actual legal document of your new title)
Naught but Rolf the First is worthy of the title of King of Rolfhaim, states Rolf.