I understand the initial reason for enabling guest posting in order to entice lurkers to post occasionally. But so far the only guest post there have been is from trolls and ban evaders.
Is guest posting serving it's intended purpose or is it just negating the purpose of having the ban available as a last resort?
STFU new arrival:mad:
I think you should go back to Cocklet where you belong.
i noticed you were banned, was it because you are a gun nut which dumbness is naturally associated with?
Is that the best you can to in a pathetic attempt to anger me?
Please take your shit to B&M where it belongs.
bro i wouldn't try to anger you because i know its cruel to make fun of the retarded.
You're just getting weaker with each attempt...
Quit while you still have some dignity...
Oops, too late...
brah eat yo meds before you start eating ass
I'm sure that means something to you.
yeah it does. . .but not rly
Locking this down.