As the thread title suggests, what in life grinds your gears, Totse?
I'll go first: The military grinds my gears. Specifically Western military. I saw a live "breaking news" story this morning on Australian Television, interrupting another news story where one Australian soldier was killed in Afganistan, with another injured as a result (As a result of an IED). This story was complete with a cut to a live press conference hosted by a General of the Australian Defence Force, all dedicated to the tragedy of this single, lone soldiers death. Now I'm sure this sounds insensitive, however I was disgusted and appalled by the story. I couldn't help but think of the thousands of innocent civilians living their daily lives who are killed off in Afghanistan, Iraq etc due to collateral damage and get absolutely no mention in the Australian media and are therefore forgotten and not bothered about. And while this is happening, one measly guy dies over there, who happens to be serving in the military for an obscene pay-check and all of a sudden they care; while Prime Minister Gillard dubs the tragedy a "dark day for Australia". Is it just me or is this world sick and fucked up?!
'shit pisses me off that's all.
Pfft get over it
Open Wikipedia and get searching through everything.
Edit -
* People who feel the need to fill their Facebook profile with every single qualification, every single place of work and every language they think they know. I don't give a fuck about your swimming badge, the fact you can say "Guten tag" or worked at Sainsburys, you pedantic asshole.
Statistics make for boring news.
Anyone who runs is Al Qaeda, anyone who stands still is well disciplined Al Qaeda.
Fuck You.
Oh, a Full Metal Jacket reference, Isn't Full Metal Jacket that movie about that war that was lost because of leftist politicians?
No, it's a film about a massively unpopular war that was started by retards and led to the invading nations getting their political asses handed to them by a bunch of poorly-educated peasants with automatic weapons.
Sound familiar?
lolololololol never heard of that war. Are you really so dumb you don't realize we could have ended the Vietnam war with a victory by default if it weren't for leftists and cowards?
I had no idea that's what obese and spotty American teenagers say when they furiously masturbate over a map of the Middle East, wondering how much Afghani pussy their older brother is going to get over there on deployment[1].
Thanks for uhh... enlightening me.
1) The answer is none, BTW.
We lost Vietnam because politicians wouldn't let us fight. They were to concerned with being nice and not killing civilians that they wouldn't allow a real war to be fought. Lyndon Johnson was about the worst president possible to have in war time the idea of fighting a 'limited war" against a ruthless enemy like the vietcong was fucking stupid. Liberals lost that war. This is fact.
Rolf finally breaks character.
The political price of indiscriminately killing civilians in a country which posed no military threat to America would have been too high. Lyndon Johnson wasn't fucking stupid, not unless you think having the foresight of an overachieving grapefruit is some kind of asset in life.
The same applies to Afghanistan; politically you cannot fight an indistinguishable (from the civilian population) guerilla force on anything resembling equal terms. This is why only a complete shithead with a cock-shaped turd for a brain would invade a country like Afghanistan with a conventional army containing imbedded reporters in a world saturated with communications technology.
Tell that to General "Nigger Jack" Pershing. Yes, his nickname was Nigger Jack, when you leave the sixth grade and take some real history classes you'll learn some interesting things, kid.
Having lots of factual knowledge isn't going to help you any if you can't comprehend basic English and join up a few dots.
Did you ever get any higher than sixth grade?
Please enlighten me, how do reporters help an enemy win a war militarily? They only win it politically, via liberal pussies such as yourself.