How to pickpocket on public transport

edited January 2012 in Man Cave
Public transport is literally a pickpocket's wet dream. A bus jammed with potential marks, a busy train full of busy commuters in a rush to be somewhere else, an easy bump and lift opportunity. Using the techniques which I have mentioned in my other pickpocketing guide, you can quickly and usually quite easily pull off a steal when you're next riding the bus or catching the train.
Making a lift when the mark is sitting down

The first technique which I'm going to cover is making a steal when your mark is sitting down. This is much easier to perform on a bus where everyone is more cramped together, but can be done on a train too. You're going to need a large jacket to cover up the lift, or else everyone will see what you're up to. The way to hit a mark while they're sitting down greatly depends on the situation - where the wallet is located, where they are sitting in relation to said wallet, and whether or not they have their concentration on their belongings.

Pants Pocket

The pants pocket is pretty much out of question if the mark is sitting down, so I won't cover that here.

Jacket Pocket

The jacket pocket is SO easy to lift from, it should be illegal (oh wait). When the mark sits down, his jacket should be hanging from the side of the seat or resting on the edge of the seat - either make for an easy steal. You'll need to get your jacket over your arm in order to mask the steal. You're also going to need to stand up and move carriages on the train, or get off at the next stop on a bus.
  • Begin to stand up with your jacket over your arm.
  • During the standing motion, lean forward so that you can move your body, jacket and lifting hand closer to the mark's pocket.
  • Mask the lift by draping your jacket down over the mark's pocket. Keep your body in the way of other people behind you. This should make the lift impossible to see.
  • Make the lift, walk away with the wallet underneath your jacket.

Using a crowd as cover

The wonderful thing about public transport is that it's often crowded and cramped. Bodies are sometimes pressed right up against each other, providing the perfect distraction for a pickpocket to make his lift. This generally applies for any situation where there is a lot of people close together (concerts, black Friday etc). Using your jacket over your arm, you should be able to spot a mark and target his pocket, backpack or even a woman's purse.

Masking the lift when the vehicle comes to a stop

This is such a basic yet effective method of pickpocketing on public transport. If you're standing up on your public transport, watch people who get on board. Watch for where they keep their wallet/money/cell phone or whatever you are looking to steal. If they stand up, you can get close to them and make a lift while using the forward momentum of the vehicle stopping to mask your actions. This is a little hard to explain, so I'll demonstrate with this popular video from the Real Hustle.

Terrible quality, but I couldn't find another one.


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