Okay I don't know what I did. While I was nodded out while still trying to type and work my computer I think I changed something. Instead of the regular TOTSE background it is black now. Also all the text is either neon blue or green. And everything is is real sharp 90 degree angel boxes. I dunno what I did and can't fix it. Google's home page looks the same way. I've tried re-starting but it hasn't worked. Did I change a skin or something. I have not downloaded any skins that I know of.
Any help?
dfg you got aim so we can talk about this in real time?
Thanks Gary....ctrl+w worked.
But it only make the totse page normal. And my reply box is still black for some reason. My google page is normal too but my tool bar is still black.
Anf my desktop background is black.
I can't get this shit fixed.
I'm a computer r-tard. :facepalm:
Got a screen shot bro?
Aaaaahahaaa! This shit's awesome. I might keep it like this. "Rave theme".
It's great for pranking people's computers too - hold down the button combo and it makes a noise which lasts for about 10 minutes. It also lags the computer
At least my totse page was fixed yesterday, but now it's back the same. It does look kinda cool but the txt is all the same size and all and kinda hard to find and use at a glance
Shit man I don't even know how to do that. And to think I started off college going for an Asc. Degree in Computer Technology, I guess that's why I dropped it for culinary Arts after two sems.
That and maybe because the second math course was Trig:facepalm:(there was a math course for every sem.) This of course was 9 years ago too, everything I learned is obsolete now.
Nah I don't think so man. I opened something and typed or clicked something while I was nodding out while still trying to operate the computer.
Nah, I'm pretty sure not brah.
That's all good bro. I'll walk you through it...k?
Open MSPaint or whatever paint you use, open new image, Pick up your keyboard & run the back of it gently down the front of the monitor and save image. There you have it "PRINT SCREEN"
PrtScrn will automatically save in .png.
Caps Lock for larger monitors. :thumbsup:
For real though. This shit is still the same and it's getting old.