How much do extras in movies get paid?

PacinoPacino Regular
edited April 2011 in Spurious Generalities
or do they do it for free to get their face in a big movie??

and do you have to go to some audition shit or what???


  • MayberryMayberry Regular
    edited April 2011
    Here, it's $10/hr. Usually no audition required. You submit your resume and picture to an extras agency, and they'll give you a call if they need someone with your look.
  • buddhabuddha Regular
    edited April 2011
    Around here (Southern California, Hollywood,burbank,universal studios) Usually there are ads posted in newspapers and what not, they tend to pick up more when they are filming something big and need a lot of them.

    Then you have to go apply through whatever agency is doing the hiring. and there is so much competition, that withen a year or two you may get called for one day. Sometimes they'll ask you to stick around for another.

    Depending on lots of shit, pay is between $50-200 a day. Usually more towards $100.
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