Funny facebook likes

BoxBox Regular
edited May 2011 in Spurious Generalities
Boy: "Hey baby, want to come over tonite?" Girl: "Sure! What do you want to do?" Boy: "I'll give you a hint. It involves pillows and blankets ;)" Girl: "OH MY GOD! WE'RE GONNA BUILD A FORT!?"

Me: "Hey, I'd Like a Coke Please."

Waiter: "Is Pepsi OK?"

Me: "Is Monopoly Money Ok?"

(_!_) regular arse
(__!__) fat arse
(!) tight arse
(_*_) sore arse
(_o_) well used arse
(_e=mc2_) smart arse
and the best one:
(_x_) kiss my arse

Dear Students, I know when you're texting in class. Seriously, no one just looks down at their crotch and smiles every five minutes.
Sincerely, Teacher.

Dear Youtube, I have discovered that there is a glitch on Rebecca Black's music video, Friday. There is a "like" button. Please fix this ASAP.

"Dude. You failed."
"Your face failed."
"Hah. Your Dad's condom failed."
"Your Mum's abortion failed."

Two blondes were driving to Disneyland and the exit sign reads: DISNEYLAND LEFT. They started crying and headed home.

Roses are Red, Nuts are brown, Skirts go Up, Pants go Down, Body to Body, Skin to Skin, When it is Stiff, Stick it In, The Longer its In, The stronger it Gets, It goes in Dry, Comes out Wet, It comes out dripping,and it starts to Sag, Its not what you Think ...its a Teabag xD

When I see an argument on Facebook, I sit there refreshing the page while thinking to myself "THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD" **fucking this :cool:


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