Seems like most of you in the faster time zones are still surviving while most of us in the West still await our fate.
I'm taking this opportunity to party my ass off by drinking large quantities of alcohol and smoking the 7 grams of marijuana I have. I'm starting it off by hanging out with a few friends at their pool and pounding some drinks all afternoon. Then (if we still exist) around 10 or so tonight we will be heading out to a house party in celebration of the rapture as well. Should be a bitchin good time.
Anybody else using/used the occasion to get fucked up?
"Yes, I'm really sure this time."
I don't know of any "rapture parties" around here. I only even heard of this nonsense about two days ago.
I plan on gathering up all the cars that belonged to the people who got raptured up to heaven.
Isn't everyone else meant to go to hell though? I dunno how it works. Would be cool to steal cars though
True, there is meant to be a rapture. I however do not believe that anyone can predict it (as there is nowhere in the Bible that says this), and it is stupid when people throw random dates in the air and go "the rapture will happen on that date or between those dates"
With response to Jewnose, it does say that every non-Christian goes to hell. In the old testament it was if a person did not worship God and did not confess his sins to a priest, then he would go to hell. Now however, because of the death of Jesus Christ the Bible says that modern day Christians (from the New testament onwards) did not need a mediator (AKA priest) to confess their sins, but to believe that Jesus died on the cross and to confess his sins to him through prayer. Thus, the Bible says that anyone who did/does not goes straight to hell after he/she dies. This came into being from the death of Jesus to the end of the world.
Note: This answering your question and being informative, not preaching.
Living during the Tribulation.
Most religious people believe that they're living "in the end times", and have been thinking so for most of the past few thousand years, lol.
I was disappointed nothing ironic happened but I still had a good time.
I can get that 2012, bullshit, it's been around for thousands of years, and it has been scientifically proven that a solar event WILL happen on that day, just not whether it will harm any of us.....
But some crackhead/alky who says the world's gonna end? get the fuck outta here.
YouTube - Judgement Day Blood Ritual
I mean u gotta admire my dedication. Without our ritual, the world would be done. I SAVED YOUR LIVES ...NOW SUCK IT HOES.
If your party has ritual sacrifice, Amerikuh flags,8 gallons of pig blood, raw pig hearts, mob mentality, machetes, cheap booze n're doing something right.