Warning for BungHole: Flooding

buddhabuddha Regular
edited May 2011 in Infractions
Post: Private Forum for Discussion of the Zoklet Situation
User: BungHole
Infraction: Flooding
Points: 0

Administrative Note:
ok Dipshit

Message to User:
We have all seen it now stop fucking posting it.

Original Post:
all your private forums are belong to us.


so let's see, from the start, your mods and admins have been doxing members, both here and on zoklet. not zoklet mods. members. just to harass and blackmail them. the plan from the start has been to be annoying little shitheels and drag members down to get them over here. (who they're gathering information on and posting on a public URL zokiet.net, which is owned by katzenklavier).

This was all done under the codename "operation shitstorm" along with several other ops, such as fagging up their avatars to make zoklet look bad to new users, posting spurious "why was xxx banned" threads intended to villify any mod who attempted to get in the way and cause drama, shit storm threads created regarding every action, post or decision made by the admins, also attempting to undermine the user bases confidence in the administration, using the protocol that " if people hear something often enough they will begin to believe it"

At the same time behind the scenes here they were fighting about the exact same things they were causing on zoklet. The trolls vs the conservatives who want a decent conversation, discussing banning Daguru, TDR, and spectroll.

We've been watching your M&A the entire time, thanks for the lulz. Glad to see you finally caught up and demodded this account. So i'll go ahead and burn it. It's not like we don't have others. So there it is, this precious bastion of freedom was built upon lies and disinfo, for the single goal of stroking a few trolls e-peens. congratulations.


  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited May 2011
    Account moved to limited group. Just checking on his past history at the moment. I am still lol'ing at the M&A leaks hahahah
  • edited May 2011
    Where's this Dropbox he spoke of? It's supposedly full of our dox :thumbsup:
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited May 2011
    Holy shit, he just got the most gayed out items.

    EDIT: I think I should make an announcement and post the full posts if requested. Got nothing to hide.
  • DaktologistDaktologist Global Moderator
    edited May 2011
    trx100 wrote: »
    Where's this Dropbox he spoke of? It's supposedly full of our dox :thumbsup:

    Fuck knows. Besides if we have all covered our asses well it shouldn't contain any real info about us, I wouldn't worry about it.
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