I suggests !

edited July 2010 in Help and Suggestions
I suggest we have :

[1] &T pdf.

As we all know, &T is famous for its vast collection of txt files, but we also know that .txt is soooooo 70s and 80s. Maybe we should make the library to include, but not limited to pdfs or some other more modern formats,

[2] &T torrents.

This should be a collection of user uploaded torrent metas, and should be something like tpb. Consider also running a tracker ....


  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited July 2010

    • PDF is for printing and reading offline, it's a good compact format but on the Internet simple HTML rules. But we can compile pdf files and distribute them.
    • LSA King is already handling the torrent department. You compile something for Totse, send him the file and he will upload it for Totse.
  • edited July 2010
    Dfg wrote: »

    • PDF is for printing and reading offline, it's a good compact format but on the Internet simple HTML rules. But we can compile pdf files and distribute them.

    in short ; they're the new .txt, with pictures instead of asscii arts/diagrams. THEY'RE BETTER !
    [*]LSA King is already handling the torrent department. You compile something for Totse, send him the file and he will upload it for Totse.

    I meant an entire NEW SECTION ; WE SHARE, WE CARE for eg. Then in that section there'll be more sub forums such as movies, songs, literatures, apps, games .... and "others". Make it either like TPB or MVG. w/e.

    AND :


    And as some Chinese philosopher said it once a long ... long time ago

    " the best government is the government with *LEAST* rules and laws"

    Ideally, this is how this new &T should be, that is THE CONGRESS SHALL NOT DELETE OR MOVE ANY THREADS OR POSTS UNLESS IT INFRINGED ON SOME CARDINAL SINS, (cp, user personal infos) like that .....

    I mean, as a victim of threads/posts deletion yourself .... I'm sure you can understand and relate to ...
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