I doubt anyone would. It seems most people here are not old totse.com members, which is fine. Most that would remember me are probably disappointed I haven't died in a fire yet, for my angsty/faggy/trolling posts on totse.com
It WAS 8 years ago. Still it would be cool to see some old school members are still around.
On a side note:
A) How did you find this place?
Right now I can tell you've got a lot of snobby brit-fags as moderators here, thumbing their noses at their countrymen who are less fortunate than them. That's not good for the well being of the community. Not at all.
We're spreading the word around as fast as we can (reddit, Twitter, stumble, Digg etc). You don't have to worry about Brit-fags, niggers etc. We operate here regardless of your race. Even if they hate you, they can't do shit to you.
So, you're basically covered. Regarding the pace of the site, it goes up and down based on users time tables. Not everyone can contribute 24/7, we do have IRL work to attend but we try.
Fucking trx, remade and all those homo chav-wannabe brits
Damn, so many brits!
We need to add Nigger Mods.
Spic mods too. :mad:
Okay, I will add them.
I turned down offers in the past now im ready!
bring it on.
Bullshit, Totse was slow only because Jeff's cat pissed on the server.:D
"There was almost no new posts each day before it was shut down"Um NO!
It was a vibrant and thriving community that was shut down.
Nope, I never watched any porn that required a pass. I either downloaded from limewire or just watched short clips on random websites.
I don't really remember you either but I didn't post in the sex and affection forum, except maybe once or twice. I spammed totse with goatse images back when images were full size, this forced zok(after asking me nicely to stop) to ban me and shrink the images. lmao
Anyway you seem like a dickhead so I'm glad you don't remember me.
Wrong, just plain wrong. Half baked and spurious, became very stale towards the end, and those were two of the most active forums.
BLTC was dead too. You either have a poor memory or you're too much of a noob to know how it went down. I don't get this site, it's mostly people that were either only on totse for a year or less, or weren't ever there at all and like to pretend they were long time members.
It was pretty good early 03 and 04, then it just started going downhill fast.
EDIT: I'm a spic!!!!
Snoopy is that you? Well, if you know so much about Totse why don't you share it. We might learn a thing or two.
Just kidding, who are you?
Mcboozer, what was your old username?
Anyway, welcome back, unlike the OP I actually remember you.
Welcome to Totse.