Ez-12 Parabolic Reflector - Wireless Signal Booster

edited June 2011 in Tech & Games
So, I just made one of these babies in hope that I could extend my WiFi reach to the summer house right at the bottom of my garden. I can get a connection when I stand outside of the house, but as soon as I stand behind it or inside, the wooden structure blocks the signal :( More work will have to be done, I MUST get this to work! :D Anyway, check it out...


This is my Parabolic Reflector in action, sitting nicely on my Router antenna.It works incredibly well to be honest, I got a massive signal boost and I was a good 30-40 meters away from my house. Shame it doesn't reach inside the summer house, but I might be able to fix that somehow.

If you want to make one, take a look at the website and download the template. Print it, cut it out, stick some foil to it and you're done. Took me about 15 minutes (and I'm absolutely terrible at cutting/sticking, it actually made me sweat with concentration :facepalm:). Enjoy!



  • BoxBox Regular
    edited June 2011
    This is really interesting. Any idea on how it works? What's the need for that convex structure in the middle?
  • edited June 2011
    It works by reflecting the wireless signals in a particular direction rather than having them broadcast all around the antenna. Basically, it's like channeling all your wireless power and blasting it off in one direction :D The convex structure in the middle offers support, and also contains the hole in which the antenna slots into :)
  • BoxBox Regular
    edited June 2011
    Oh I see, you if you were to make the main structure even more narrower, it oughta help right?
  • edited June 2011
    I have no idea about making it narrower, but I know that the bigger the Parabolic Reflector, the better range you will get which means a stronger signal. This one was made using a single piece of A4 paper (well actually I glued 2 bits together to make it stronger, but it's still A4 size). I imagine that if you were to use A3 or bigger then it would definitely be a lot better.
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