I'd say Zoklet is a genuine honey pot at this point. Somewhere along the way it was taken over by cops and feds, and those same cops and feds probably warned off the ones on the staff they weren't interested in... the mini-migration we witnessed a few months back... and now it's just chalk full of paid informants, cops, rats, feds, and any other greasy parasites wanting to cash in on a bunch of stupid kids too dumb to know where they really are. This would explain a lot. For example, it would explain nicely why the administration goes out of its way to stifle anybody who starts pinning tails on any donkeys. If they were all cops, which I think is the case, they wouldn't want anybody spoiling their nice little setup. Think of it... the cops get every single IP that posts there, and they can trace all those IPs back to physical addresses, and many, many, posts there contain a literal treasure trove of helpful tips and leads. Some of it gets passed up to federal authorities, while others are investigated, or at least tracked and recorded, at the local level. Bottom line is, if you consider Zoklet to be free of cops, rats, snitches and feds, you are severely mistaken. Several Zoklet mods have even already admitted publicly to being LEOs.
^^^^^ Very well said Spectral, no truer words have been spoken. :thumbsup:
Revisiting the thread Shadow asked us to peruse, I now realize how that thread is a damn good statement of the "quality" that has become of that place. Throwing aside the kidiots and cops for moment, an unbiased eye reading that thread in its entirety would realize the entire Zoklet Universe if bass ackwards upside down.
Seriously, the Members in that thread are giving a well thought out and reasonable idea.....along with articulate debate and reason. Whereas the Mods just come in and throw out insults and bullshit, sticking up for one another without even knowing a fuckin thing, and more or less just brag about their power...along with the tired old line of "like it, leave" mantra. :facepalm:
Shadow, that thread is a perfect microcosm and testament to everything that is/has/will be wrong with that place. In the beginning it was just another idea thread, but because of the involvement of so many on both sides of the fence.....the conduct, intelligence, and maturity level has been spotlighted to such a degree, it truly is a landmark thread of sorts. And one that is putting SO MUCH egg on the face of the staff members, but as usual they are so involved in their circle jerks they can't even begin to comprehend it for even a second.
DaGuru, honestly it seems you're a lost cause mate. You bitched about TDR abusing power, being a snitch etc. and you said you wouldn't contribute shit unless he was removed. Now, he is removed. So, tell me DG, what's stopping you from contributing or are you still going to just bitch and bitch?
Because if that's the case then, just be honest with everyone.
Oh and herp derp, read the ToS please .
First off, just tell me what you are trying to say instead of taking the passive way out and referring me to the ToS expecting me to fill in the blanks for whatever cryptic message you want me to consume.....because I don't even know what that comment was relevant to, nor do I even know what the CURRENT ToS is, since it seems to change monthly if not weekly around here.
As for being honest with everyone, I have been Dfg....its just you ain't listening, you are purposely making a "game" of this, or the language barrier is your downfall. Hell, how many other people approached you privately and more or less asked permission to start posting....out of RESPECT for you and the website as a whole? I've been up front and honest with you both privately and publicly, and I've always had an open door with you in either arena....its just again you continue to CHOOSE to take the passive approach, and then bitch because things aren't ever resolved because you never try to resolve them.
Case in point....how you've misread my earlier words about de-modding Rodent and how it would be beneficial to the entire website as a whole. See, when I said...."more people will be willing to post with sincerity/effort and stick around more frequently if you get rid of the problem staff members"....that IS a poignant and accurate statement in how to build a successful community. Actually, it should be common sense most 2nd graders could understand....but you were too busy playing politics, pattycake and ass-kissing to ever have a sincere discussion about any of it.
Instead it took you MONTHS to do the right thing, and now in your history rewrites you are trying to paint it off as...."but if Rodent is demodded, DaGuru promised me/us his support, and now he didn't so he's still a villian".
Again, refer to my comment earlier abou a "time symmetrical justice"....and realize it took you MONTHS to address a lot of this shit, and only when you were backed completely into a corner. So perhaps now I'll respond in kind, start "posting productively" again in an equal amount of time after you finally did the right thing. Check that, I should say "demodded Rodent"....because it wasn't ever because it was the right thing to do in your mind, instead it was because the politics dictated you needed to.
Quite simply Dfg, you need me a helluva lot more than I need you.....or this place. Ya wanna hear a real funny story? Last week my wife and son came back from a trip out of town....they left for a funeral and then tacked on some fun time with other family. I was a bachelor for about 8 days, and didn't do much more than smoke weed, play video games, surf the net, and gorge myself on fast food bullshit.
In that time I could have given you all a litany of stories and threads....shit about the funeral and all the family drama involved, drama about my wife's family, drama about my family, drama between me AND my wife, my upcoming surgery, dealing with my mom who is probably going to an old age home sooner than later, just day to day events with my business, tales of friends and their fucked up things, crazy canoeing/camping adventures, disc golf updates (one where I had to trespass/hop a fence in broad daylight amongst dozens of people to retrieve a disc), just a general analysis of life, and all the other commentary I could have added to any other thread. But I didn't give you so much as even ONE POST in that whole time...because you truly don't deserve it. You have been so ungracious and ungrateful to so many people, and while you disrespect so many members as well as common sense....why should anyone "help" you at this point?
Point being....you wanted to play pattycake with me and so many other people with such disrespet, why should we be sincere when you haven't been sincere with any of us? You could have very easily "resolved" so much of the bullshit and games, and NOT ONCE did you even try to tackle things publicly or even privately. You are an insincere little shit, and are now aghast because people are treating you accordingly.
Now go ahead Dfg, make vague comments or other tap-dancing responses....without saying pretty much ANYTHING substantial or poignant, and then you'll continue to wonder why your leadership(?) never attracts people with substance. :eek:
I think you stupid thin-skinned fucks should stay out of Bitch&Moan if you're going to start crying like a child who's skinned his knee when Mommy isn't close by. Same for you, Dfg. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the fucking kitchen. Capeesh?
The lol is more on the "hiding behind the ToS" than it is on anything else. Never seen somebody in the bitching forum hide behind the ToS before... oh, wait...
Same for you, Dfg. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the fucking kitchen.
He really is a stupid one.....because you think he'd know by now. Instead of trying to email me and say..."geez man,what gives...what's wrong?"......he rather call me out publicly, thusly inviting me to disembowel his innards for the entire public to witess.
And then his "trump card" is calling ME out for my honesty.....when that IS the whole reason people hate me so. :cool:
He really is a stupid one.....because you think he'd know by now. Instead of trying to email me and say..."geez man,what gives...what's wrong?"......he rather call me out publicly, thusly inviting me to disembowel his innards for the entire public to witess.
And then his "trump card" is calling ME out for my honesty.....when that IS the whole reason people hate me so. :cool:
I'm seriously thinking of digging my Dfg recipe book out of the back closet. I think there was one there that involved hot caramel and strawberries. Mmmmm... gooood. :facepalm:
I'm seriously thinking of digging my Dfg recipe book out of the back closet. I think there was one there that involved hot caramel and strawberries. Mmmmm... gooood. :facepalm:
Terms Of Service.
I know ToS =Terms of Service....I don't understand what he was trying to say in referring me to the terms of service. Again, as many times as its been revised, I don't even claim to know what the ToS is any more.
As for Dfg recipes....let the little shit stew in his own pot, he's in his own private hell now. He's put up a lot of work trying to make all this happen, yet a year later the regular users are about the same in number, and even as desperate as people are to find an alternative to Zoklet he hasn't even been able to exploit that pony either.
Quite simply... Totse.info will never get any "better" than this....as he squandered several opportunities all these months, and those doors won't be open again in the future. He's made the bed and now sleeping in it, its just all a matter of him rewriting the details in his own mind so he can blame others for his fuck-ups and lack of leadership.
How about you Boozer? You are one of the few legit posters I actually enjoy encountering on here, but it seems you don't have much more to say about anything besides some chat-room lite nonsense just to let everyone else know you are here and reading along with us.
Seriously man, you are articulate and interesting when it comes to most other topics......but when it comes to dicier .info issues to discuss, you become as simplistic as a mongoloid HBer. You got ANYTHING to say about any of this, or just wanted to stroll on by to wave hello because you miss me?
I know ToS =Terms of Service....I don't understand what he was trying to say in referring me to the terms of service. Again, as many times as its been revised, I don't even claim to know what the ToS is any more....
I think he's either making a veiled threat, or he's trying to say that he worked hard on the ToS so you shouldn't have to worry about the kidiots "herping and derping". One of the two. Hard to tell.
I think he's either making a veiled threat, or he's trying to say that he worked hard on the ToS so you shouldn't have to worry about the kidiots "herping and derping". One of the two. Hard to tell.
Could someone provide a link to the updated ToS....or is he really referring to the FAQ and is just using the wrong verbiage? Or does he mean ToS as into the agreement one has to click before regging....because if its updated I obviously wouldn't know what the NEW ToS is, since I don't use sock puppets.
Someone just copy/paste the entire ToS, and then I'll have a better job to decipher what Dfg was getting at.....perhaps its an inside joke just between me and him he expects me to understand that no one else would ever be able to encrypt?
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Man, if only I bet with someone on this. DaGuru you're predictable and I am not going to read your replies, sorry mainly because it will take me some time to go through them all.
Have fun with the ToS. I would love to see some feedback on it.
Man, if only I bet with someone on this. DaGuru you're predictable and I am not going to read your replies, sorry mainly because it will take me some time to go through them all.
Have fun with the ToS. I would love to see some feedback on it.
Nah, what's really predictable is your response here....as I already called your shot ahead of time just a few posts earlier...
Now go ahead Dfg, make vague comments or other tap-dancing responses....without saying pretty much ANYTHING substantial or poignant, and then you'll continue to wonder why your leadership(?) never attracts people with substance. :eek:
Although predicting your "non-response" tripe above really wasn't too hard, as it IS your modus operandi during the majority of these issues/discussions. Fuck, it will be a fitting and appropriate commentary probably 6 months from now when you are still floundering with the same numbers....keep that quote handy people, it'll be a fun one to throw back in his face when he continues the same failed tactics over and over again.
"You" agree, upon finding a hole, loophole, or other undesired executable situation (I.E. Bug in our code, or unknown or unresolved potential problem. In addition, "you" agree to dutifully attempt to notify, and provide conditions, of any situation arising from such problems and how they were generated to "us".*
And I WAS doing my duty pointing out undesired situations/unresolved problems.....and all I got was a circus sideshow for a couple months, all the while Dfg tried to portray ME as the bad guy because I dared discuss them. :thumbsdown:
Just for shits and giggles, I'm curious to know where abouts this thread started to become hijacked? Who/where did this thread start to jump its tracks and go in a different direction?
...I've gotten the jist of this hijacked thread. ...
Might as well say hello, hey DaGuru, how ya been? Spec? How are things on your end?
It may seem to be hijacked, but that's not actually the case. It's the exact same issues which keep revolving again and again from forum to forum, and it's all tied into the same old song and dance in a million frozen moments in time. Today it's zok, tomorrow it's Dfg, next week it will be zos the Conqueror. To people like DaGuru and I, it's all just one big mish-mash of the same old shit just on a different day. Until the real questions get answered, without the vague mumbo-jumbo bullshit attached to it, it will always just be yet another chapter in the ongoing plot: Pinocchio tells a lie and his nose grows, and yet he's always wanted to have the heart of a human boy inside his wooden body.
I'm fine... thanks for asking. Body is sore... been doing some bricklaying the last few weeks because the cash was too good to resist... hauling 10 bricks at a time up onto the roof by ladder and scaffolding... mixing cement and carrying it up in buckets... laying and scrubbing the brickwork itself... cleaning the entire surface afterward... it's been hot work... it's usually up about 100 degrees Fahrenheit over here in Ottawa, and those roofs are so hot you could probably fry and egg on the roof shingles.
It doesn't matter where, if you want to take shots at TDR, then go ahead. No one is stopping you.
Hell, I didn't even agree the thread necessarily was even "hijacked"....but since you brought it up, I figured I'd test your sensibilities and give it a go. As usual you DID pass the test, gave us your honest opinion, and I'm pretty much in complete agreement with your assessment where to point the blame. :thumbsup:
Nice seeing you too Boozer, and I'm glad we can STILL count on at least your truthful integrity around here.
Probably the most gigantic butt-hurt shyster on Zoklet is wires. The least little thing and she just goes bannanas and starts running to her safety blanket (Control Panel) as if it's the answer to all her problems in the world. It's truly a sickening thing to witness. I can't even count the times she has abused her authority in the community to push her own petty insecurities onto everybody else. I always liked zok, in a way, and I guess I still do, but he must really be one spineless kid to allow that coward to lurk his webspace, chasing off all his members, and allowing her to rip the entire community apart single-handedly. Truly amazing and truly despicable that a single person could cause all that damage so needlessly.
My computer is broken so I haven't been online much. I've been going out to shows and drinking heavily, eating well, working on new music. Its been pretty sweet. Had some pizza for breakfast this morning, need to soak up the rest of last nights booze clear my head. About to make a mango smoothie and crawl back into bed and play resident evil 4 on the wii.
It's amusing that they are trying to silence members who have broken no rules by perma-banning their accounts and then playing with the registration process so they can't rejoin under another nick. In reality, that is a failed tactic. They are preventing unjustly banned members from returning by limiting registration, but they have completely forgotten about the hundreds of abandoned accounts that are already there. I can tell you for a certainty that there are hundreds of fully unrestricted abandoned accounts over there right this minute which can be accessed quite easily. If anybody feels they were unjustly banned by the morons in charge there, contact me and I will be only too happy to supply you with a fully-working, already-approved account free from any restrictions.
Man, if only I bet with someone on this. DaGuru you're predictable and I am not going to read your replies, sorry mainly because it will take me some time to go through them all.
Have fun with the ToS. I would love to see some feedback on it.
Ignoring for a moment the part that you are supposed.y running a TEXT message board, and you claim to "not want to read something" (ELL OH FUCKIN ELL @ the pilot being afraid of heights).......are you going to add anything to the "feedback" you got about the ToS, or in typical Dfg style you'll wait for a popular opinion and then decide to ride that pony for as long as she'll last?
Ignoring for a moment the part that you are supposed.y running a TEXT message board, and you claim to "not want to read something" (ELL OH FUCKIN ELL @ the pilot being afraid of heights).......are you going to add anything to the "feedback" you got about the ToS, or in typical Dfg style you'll wait for a popular opinion and then decide to ride that pony for as long as she'll last?
What part about "User driven" don't you understand?
It just came out over at Zoklet that InToXiCoLoGisT was busted over a deal arranged through Zoklet. This just goes to prove the feds, cops, and snitches are infested throughout the site, and most likely this one, too. I'll bet zok, wires and a select few of their most dedicated lackeys are also aware of the infestation, but are being quiet about it while the fuzz does their work. Kinda makes you wonder about Dfg as well - the way he doesn't mind hiring known snitches to run this site here. ie: TheDarkRodent, poast-bortem!... etc...
It just came out over at Zoklet that InToXiCoLoGisT was busted over a deal arranged through Zoklet. This just goes to prove the feds, cops, and snitches are infested throughout the site, and most likely this one, too. I'll bet zok, wires and a select few of their most dedicated lackeys are also aware of the infestation, but are being quiet about it while the fuzz does their work. Kinda makes you wonder about Dfg as well - the way he doesn't mind hiring known snitches to run this site here. ie: TheDarkRodent, poast-bortem!... etc...
Get the fuck out of here calling me a snitch you washed up Canadian retard. Posting some retards PI who was using his first taste of power in his short 15 years to fuck with me is not snitching. So go fuck yourself calling me a snitch.
...Get the fuck out of here calling me a snitch you washed up Canadian retard. Posting some retards PI who was using his first taste of power in his short 15 years to fuck with me is not snitching. So go fuck yourself calling me a snitch.
Let's not split hairs, kid. You snitched somebody out just because you disagreed with their text on a message board, so I shudder to think what you'd do if a cop or fed asked you to help them as a paid informant. Having somebody like you viewing the IPs of members is scary enough in itself.
Let's not split hairs, kid. You snitched somebody out just because you disagreed with their text on a message board, so I shudder to think what you'd do if a cop or fed asked you to help them as a paid informant. Having somebody like you viewing the IPs of members is scary enough in itself.
There is no splitting of hairs. Your argument is akin to saying, "Well, he used information he had to take some asshole out of the picture who was fucking with him without involving the authorities so he will definitely give peoples IP addresses (which he does not have) to any cop who asks him to. :facepalm:
Get the fuck out of here calling me a snitch you washed up Canadian retard. Posting some retards PI who was using his first taste of power in his short 15 years to fuck with me is not snitching. So go fuck yourself calling me a snitch.
InB4 8 pages and a couple dozen footnotes/references while Rodent tries to dissect the semantics of the verbiage of "snitch" or the other variations and slang therin. :facepalm:
Whatever YOU want to call it......at the end of the day you went and TOLD ON SOMEONE because you didn't agree with them on a message board. That is so many levels of cowardice, immaturity, and blithering butthurt....yet you want to start playing word games again. The fact you have to everTELL ON SOMEONE is pathetic enough, but in the context of how/why with Firestarter it takes your epic loserdom into a league far few failures have ever seen.
TheDarkRodent is like the guy in the public showers who reaches over and tugs on the dick on the guy next to him, gets a shot in the head for it, and then goes around telling everybody he's not really gay.
TheDarkRodent is like the guy in the public showers who reaches over and tugs on the dick on the guy next to him, gets a shot in the head for it, and then goes around telling everybody he's not really gay.
You just concentrate on getting rid of the rat-finks and semi-intelligent mods in here and leave the funny stuff to me, you chocolate Qawwali. Don't make me get ugly.
You just concentrate on getting rid of the rat-finks and semi-intelligent mods in here and leave the funny stuff to me, you chocolate Qawwali. Don't make me get ugly.
Bro, Qawwali. Calling be a Choco Paki would be more funny.
InB4 8 pages and a couple dozen footnotes/references while Rodent tries to dissect the semantics of the verbiage of "snitch" or the other variations and slang therin. :facepalm:
Whatever YOU want to call it......at the end of the day you went and TOLD ON SOMEONE because you didn't agree with them on a message board. That is so many levels of cowardice, immaturity, and blithering butthurt....yet you want to start playing word games again. The fact you have to everTELL ON SOMEONE is pathetic enough, but in the context of how/why with Firestarter it takes your epic loserdom into a league far few failures have ever seen.
TheDarkRodent is like the guy in the public showers who reaches over and tugs on the dick on the guy next to him, gets a shot in the head for it, and then goes around telling everybody he's not really gay.
So now you resort to creating two fictions in order to answer the same post.
Please provide us with your definition of "telling on someone".
*Sits back and waits for the next work a shitty pulp fiction from SpecGuru's angry little mind.*
My bad. I should have actually labelled you a chocolate Qawwāl.
So are you saying he is a chocolate form of Sufi devotional music popular in South Asia, particularly in the Punjab and Sindh regions of Pakistan, Hyderabad, Delhi, and other parts of northern India?
What? Do they make those for some holiday like chocolate Easter bunnies or something?
Revisiting the thread Shadow asked us to peruse, I now realize how that thread is a damn good statement of the "quality" that has become of that place. Throwing aside the kidiots and cops for moment, an unbiased eye reading that thread in its entirety would realize the entire Zoklet Universe if bass ackwards upside down.
Seriously, the Members in that thread are giving a well thought out and reasonable idea.....along with articulate debate and reason. Whereas the Mods just come in and throw out insults and bullshit, sticking up for one another without even knowing a fuckin thing, and more or less just brag about their power...along with the tired old line of "like it, leave" mantra. :facepalm:
Shadow, that thread is a perfect microcosm and testament to everything that is/has/will be wrong with that place. In the beginning it was just another idea thread, but because of the involvement of so many on both sides of the fence.....the conduct, intelligence, and maturity level has been spotlighted to such a degree, it truly is a landmark thread of sorts. And one that is putting SO MUCH egg on the face of the staff members, but as usual they are so involved in their circle jerks they can't even begin to comprehend it for even a second.
First off, just tell me what you are trying to say instead of taking the passive way out and referring me to the ToS expecting me to fill in the blanks for whatever cryptic message you want me to consume.....because I don't even know what that comment was relevant to, nor do I even know what the CURRENT ToS is, since it seems to change monthly if not weekly around here.
As for being honest with everyone, I have been Dfg....its just you ain't listening, you are purposely making a "game" of this, or the language barrier is your downfall. Hell, how many other people approached you privately and more or less asked permission to start posting....out of RESPECT for you and the website as a whole? I've been up front and honest with you both privately and publicly, and I've always had an open door with you in either arena....its just again you continue to CHOOSE to take the passive approach, and then bitch because things aren't ever resolved because you never try to resolve them.
Case in point....how you've misread my earlier words about de-modding Rodent and how it would be beneficial to the entire website as a whole. See, when I said...."more people will be willing to post with sincerity/effort and stick around more frequently if you get rid of the problem staff members"....that IS a poignant and accurate statement in how to build a successful community. Actually, it should be common sense most 2nd graders could understand....but you were too busy playing politics, pattycake and ass-kissing to ever have a sincere discussion about any of it.
Instead it took you MONTHS to do the right thing, and now in your history rewrites you are trying to paint it off as...."but if Rodent is demodded, DaGuru promised me/us his support, and now he didn't so he's still a villian".
Again, refer to my comment earlier abou a "time symmetrical justice"....and realize it took you MONTHS to address a lot of this shit, and only when you were backed completely into a corner. So perhaps now I'll respond in kind, start "posting productively" again in an equal amount of time after you finally did the right thing. Check that, I should say "demodded Rodent"....because it wasn't ever because it was the right thing to do in your mind, instead it was because the politics dictated you needed to.
Quite simply Dfg, you need me a helluva lot more than I need you.....or this place. Ya wanna hear a real funny story? Last week my wife and son came back from a trip out of town....they left for a funeral and then tacked on some fun time with other family. I was a bachelor for about 8 days, and didn't do much more than smoke weed, play video games, surf the net, and gorge myself on fast food bullshit.
In that time I could have given you all a litany of stories and threads....shit about the funeral and all the family drama involved, drama about my wife's family, drama about my family, drama between me AND my wife, my upcoming surgery, dealing with my mom who is probably going to an old age home sooner than later, just day to day events with my business, tales of friends and their fucked up things, crazy canoeing/camping adventures, disc golf updates (one where I had to trespass/hop a fence in broad daylight amongst dozens of people to retrieve a disc), just a general analysis of life, and all the other commentary I could have added to any other thread. But I didn't give you so much as even ONE POST in that whole time...because you truly don't deserve it. You have been so ungracious and ungrateful to so many people, and while you disrespect so many members as well as common sense....why should anyone "help" you at this point?
Point being....you wanted to play pattycake with me and so many other people with such disrespet, why should we be sincere when you haven't been sincere with any of us? You could have very easily "resolved" so much of the bullshit and games, and NOT ONCE did you even try to tackle things publicly or even privately. You are an insincere little shit, and are now aghast because people are treating you accordingly.
Now go ahead Dfg, make vague comments or other tap-dancing responses....without saying pretty much ANYTHING substantial or poignant, and then you'll continue to wonder why your leadership(?) never attracts people with substance. :eek:
He really is a stupid one.....because you think he'd know by now. Instead of trying to email me and say..."geez man,what gives...what's wrong?"......he rather call me out publicly, thusly inviting me to disembowel his innards for the entire public to witess.
And then his "trump card" is calling ME out for my honesty.....when that IS the whole reason people hate me so. :cool:
I still don't even know what the ToS reference meant. Honest to god, hand on my dead son's soul....I ain't trolling.
Someone fill me in, just what WAS he trying to say....act as interpreter between alpha male American and passive ungrateful Paki?
Terms Of Service.
I know ToS =Terms of Service....I don't understand what he was trying to say in referring me to the terms of service. Again, as many times as its been revised, I don't even claim to know what the ToS is any more.
As for Dfg recipes....let the little shit stew in his own pot, he's in his own private hell now. He's put up a lot of work trying to make all this happen, yet a year later the regular users are about the same in number, and even as desperate as people are to find an alternative to Zoklet he hasn't even been able to exploit that pony either.
Quite simply... Totse.info will never get any "better" than this....as he squandered several opportunities all these months, and those doors won't be open again in the future. He's made the bed and now sleeping in it, its just all a matter of him rewriting the details in his own mind so he can blame others for his fuck-ups and lack of leadership.
How about you Boozer? You are one of the few legit posters I actually enjoy encountering on here, but it seems you don't have much more to say about anything besides some chat-room lite nonsense just to let everyone else know you are here and reading along with us.
Seriously man, you are articulate and interesting when it comes to most other topics......but when it comes to dicier .info issues to discuss, you become as simplistic as a mongoloid HBer. You got ANYTHING to say about any of this, or just wanted to stroll on by to wave hello because you miss me?
Could someone provide a link to the updated ToS....or is he really referring to the FAQ and is just using the wrong verbiage? Or does he mean ToS as into the agreement one has to click before regging....because if its updated I obviously wouldn't know what the NEW ToS is, since I don't use sock puppets.
Someone just copy/paste the entire ToS, and then I'll have a better job to decipher what Dfg was getting at.....perhaps its an inside joke just between me and him he expects me to understand that no one else would ever be able to encrypt?
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Have fun with the ToS. I would love to see some feedback on it.
Nah, what's really predictable is your response here....as I already called your shot ahead of time just a few posts earlier...
Although predicting your "non-response" tripe above really wasn't too hard, as it IS your modus operandi during the majority of these issues/discussions. Fuck, it will be a fitting and appropriate commentary probably 6 months from now when you are still floundering with the same numbers....keep that quote handy people, it'll be a fun one to throw back in his face when he continues the same failed tactics over and over again.
And I WAS doing my duty pointing out undesired situations/unresolved problems.....and all I got was a circus sideshow for a couple months, all the while Dfg tried to portray ME as the bad guy because I dared discuss them. :thumbsdown:
Who. Broke. What. Agreement. Where? :cool:
Just for shits and giggles, I'm curious to know where abouts this thread started to become hijacked? Who/where did this thread start to jump its tracks and go in a different direction?
I'm fine... thanks for asking. Body is sore... been doing some bricklaying the last few weeks because the cash was too good to resist... hauling 10 bricks at a time up onto the roof by ladder and scaffolding... mixing cement and carrying it up in buckets... laying and scrubbing the brickwork itself... cleaning the entire surface afterward... it's been hot work... it's usually up about 100 degrees Fahrenheit over here in Ottawa, and those roofs are so hot you could probably fry and egg on the roof shingles.
Hell, I didn't even agree the thread necessarily was even "hijacked"....but since you brought it up, I figured I'd test your sensibilities and give it a go. As usual you DID pass the test, gave us your honest opinion, and I'm pretty much in complete agreement with your assessment where to point the blame. :thumbsup:
Nice seeing you too Boozer, and I'm glad we can STILL count on at least your truthful integrity around here.
My computer is broken so I haven't been online much. I've been going out to shows and drinking heavily, eating well, working on new music. Its been pretty sweet. Had some pizza for breakfast this morning, need to soak up the rest of last nights booze clear my head. About to make a mango smoothie and crawl back into bed and play resident evil 4 on the wii.
p.s.s. hi zos!
You're one of the three?
I was going to read that thread but I don't want the Feds being like "you looked at zoklet I'm telling your sheriff"
Can you tell me what it's about or quote it or something?
I don't know, I can't look because I'm IP banned. Who were the others? Can you give me the gist of the thread?
Ignoring for a moment the part that you are supposed.y running a TEXT message board, and you claim to "not want to read something" (ELL OH FUCKIN ELL @ the pilot being afraid of heights).......are you going to add anything to the "feedback" you got about the ToS, or in typical Dfg style you'll wait for a popular opinion and then decide to ride that pony for as long as she'll last?
What part about "User driven" don't you understand?
4, I am perm banned there as well.
Get the fuck out of here calling me a snitch you washed up Canadian retard. Posting some retards PI who was using his first taste of power in his short 15 years to fuck with me is not snitching. So go fuck yourself calling me a snitch.
There is no splitting of hairs. Your argument is akin to saying, "Well, he used information he had to take some asshole out of the picture who was fucking with him without involving the authorities so he will definitely give peoples IP addresses (which he does not have) to any cop who asks him to. :facepalm:
SpecGuru: See this^
InB4 8 pages and a couple dozen footnotes/references while Rodent tries to dissect the semantics of the verbiage of "snitch" or the other variations and slang therin. :facepalm:
Whatever YOU want to call it......at the end of the day you went and TOLD ON SOMEONE because you didn't agree with them on a message board. That is so many levels of cowardice, immaturity, and blithering butthurt....yet you want to start playing word games again. The fact you have to ever TELL ON SOMEONE is pathetic enough, but in the context of how/why with Firestarter it takes your epic loserdom into a league far few failures have ever seen.
Where you just jerking off to this concept.
Bro, Qawwali. Calling be a Choco Paki would be more funny.
So now you resort to creating two fictions in order to answer the same post.
Please provide us with your definition of "telling on someone".
*Sits back and waits for the next work a shitty pulp fiction from SpecGuru's angry little mind.*
So are you saying he is a chocolate form of Sufi devotional music popular in South Asia, particularly in the Punjab and Sindh regions of Pakistan, Hyderabad, Delhi, and other parts of northern India?
What? Do they make those for some holiday like chocolate Easter bunnies or something?
Herp. Derp. Slobber. :rolleyes:
So is that your final answer?