Razor Blade Smile

GreyusurperGreyusurper Acolyte
edited August 2011 in Spurious Generalities
Razor Blade Smile

Jake West

Eileen Daly

General Info:
Vampire Lilith Silver remembers moments of her past as they unfold around her death and rebirth as a vampire, while in the present she's a hitwoman for hire against a large corporation that seems to have occult ties. The corporation employs hired goons that use a kind of 'super-coke' to give them enhanced strength and reaction time, making them more on par with their vampire opponent.
This also makes a play on "Interview with the Vampire" by directly referencing 'the rules' setup of how vampires act, think, weaknesses, etc. However, this tends to push the bounds a little more towards 'B horror' than the grade 'A Hollywood' effort of "Interview".
Despite its clearly low budget, it does have some hilarious campy value to it, even though it clearly seems to take itself serious most the time. The 'B Horror' nudity shenanigans are here as well. Complete with a bloody lesbian sex scene, as well as a scene trying to verge on hardcore pornography. The ending is also fairly redeeming but I won't say why. I'll let you suffer through it instead. Enjoy!


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