cnn was so awesome today

xbcnfujvxbcnfujv Regular
edited September 2011 in Spurious Generalities
i loved how america's cnn's interviewees about 9/11 were talking about how blacks, mexicans, asians, and whites need to unite... but they purposely left out american-arabs... really?



  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited September 2011
    For real? Lol that's nice to know - not least as it's the group most needed to unite.

    That is, if CNN were that biased. I didn't watch it, however.
  • xbcnfujvxbcnfujv Regular
    edited September 2011
    p.s. i'm not trying to kiss arab's asses either

    ... i just think it's unfair for those arabics (THE MAJORITY) who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 but because they were the same ethnicity as these religion extremists who were a part of 9/11 as if they received a phone call about it the night before it happened.

    do you know what it's like hearing a 14 year old caucasian male who obviously was raised by redneck parents calling a random american-born arabic a "sand-nigger" and then witnessing him tripping him and then kicking his sister in the chest?

    i just did... about 5 hours ago... and the kid's parent's were drunk and basically were forcing him to do it.

    it's messed up.
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    edited September 2011
    Oh great! Now the blacks, mexicans & asians are brothers. All because a bunch of sand dwellers crashed your party.
  • BurnBurn Regular
    edited September 2011
    We're all brothers... but didn't Kane kill Abel or some shit? So really, kill anyone you want, Mexican, Arab, Black, Yellow, whatever.
  • SlartibartfastSlartibartfast Global Moderator -__-
    edited September 2011
    I'd chalk this down to stupidity. CNN usually has a liberal bias. It's suffering from a lot of brain drain due to idiotic management. I like Anderson Cooper.

    Journalists have morphed from a driven anti-establishment "keeping the bastards honest" fold into flimsy pretentious fools who romanticise their career too much.
  • LSA KingLSA King Regular
    edited September 2011
    xbcnfujv wrote: »
    i loved how america's cnn's interviewees about 9/11 were talking about how blacks, mexicans, asians, and whites need to unite... but they purposely left out american-arabs... really?


    Strange, because the Elites (incl. Mainstream Media) are constantly using the separation of races to brew internal hatred to keep us fighting amongst ourselves instead of uniting and destroying the elitist zionist pricks. The irony of these fucks. They sure have mastered the art of psychology I'll give them that.
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    edited September 2011
    LSA King wrote: »
    Strange, because the Elites (incl. Mainstream Media) are constantly using the separation of races to brew internal hatred to keep us fighting amongst ourselves instead of uniting and destroying the elitist zionist pricks. The irony of these fucks. They sure have mastered the art of psychology I'll give them that.
    I agree with this. United we stand, divided we fall. Keep them divided so they are merely weak putty in the hands of politicians, thanks to the aide of media intervention.
    Mind Fuck @ it's finest.
  • MooseKnuckleMooseKnuckle Regular
    edited September 2011
    cuz i don't like arabs, they stink.
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