So tonight I'm in close proximity to a minor celebrity...

RemadERemadE Global Moderator
edited November 2011 in Man Cave
Well they are adored by their fans here in the UK. In short, a club where I live is hosting a party with a "star" from "The only way is Essex". For those who don't know, this is it. I weep for Humanity and they are everything I hate.

She's the redhead one. My intelligence plummets through the earth when I saw this video.

See what I mean? I am going with a housemate who wanted company, and I insisted on making her pay for me as I do not want to fund the ego of whoever is there.
Anyway, any ideas for what to do? I'm going in 2 hours. Stink bombs? The "Chocolate covered Pretzel" from Mall Rats? Fuck, I dunno. Might take a sharpie and write why it's a load of bollocks on every conceivable surface. Even Tordek's tag is in this nightclub from 5 years ago!


  • edited November 2011
    I'd give you a tenner if you can slap a piece of paper on the "star's" back which lists all the reasons the show is a load of shit. Mention Totse and Dfg's turban in there somewhere for additional lulz.
  • juggjugg Regular
    edited November 2011
    When ever in doubt take our cock out.
  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited November 2011
    Went on a graffiti rampage and rolled a glass ampule stink bomb onto the dancefloor, then quickly left. Got a text from a mate about 5 minutes later saying "fucking hell, they think the sewers have burst! Glad you left in time!"

    Win. As for the "celebrity", she was in the VIP box the entire time, like some Royal Box observer who has an IQ of a tangerine and resembles one, too. Really shit night in other aspects. Dark clouds are forming around me. Met a girl I was really close with there and her boyfriend was a total dick to my housemate "Yeah I'd love to fuck you!" etc. Strange. I've been there for her in her lowest of moments, and now she ignores me for some total cunt.
    Also had other drama. Did my little bit for the intellect of Britain, but suffered for it personally. Gonna be a long few weeks before these clouds get lifted away. Stomach is like water, so time for an Opiate binge. I don't want to sleep like this.

    I'm rambling on. Sorry.
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