So recently I was re-diagnosed with depression, I hadn't been on medication for it for 6-7 years. The one I was on before worked, which was Zoloft and Zoloft I am unfortunately not allowed to take due to probation since it shows up as a false positive for benzodiazepine. They now have me on Wellbutrin (Bupropion) which is making me feel like a fucking wide awake zombie with no emotion and my nerves are shot or just fine and it works which is abnormal since they said it usually takes 8 weeks to start working but for the time being what the fuck should I do, I am tired of this up and down shit because it is making me even more depressed than normal when I am on the down side of it and going back up and being teased with how I should feel is making me as close to suicidal as I have ever been. I know I won't kill myself unless I relapse and say fuck it and OD on something, cause I would rather feel good on the way out.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Molotov GlaxoSmithKline for manufacturing this weird shit?
For the time being the only thing keeping me entertained is Totse so I am just going to post more.
Even fucking video-games don't help right now, and that was the only thing that would bring me out of my depression, so I am pretty fucked now as soon as I suck the fun out of the forum.
All jokes aside, geodon maid my brother paralyzed. We had to send him to hospital. And Aripriprazol (abilify) made him to a drugged zombie. I don't take those pills even if they prescribe em to me. Just sell em on the side
TBO i catch myself still harbouring old fashioned (and wrong) ideas that ant-depressants are for the crazy people.