Anyone tried this? Just curious. I have been trying to and it's not all as reassuring as I thought it would be. Wondering if anyone here knows what I'm talking about. I can elaborate, unless it's just going to be pissing to the wind to all five of us. I kind of wanted to share perhaps I should find the correct forum lol
There are many examples throughout history of this kind of thing happening. Churchill and Socrates are two good examples. Also Scipio
From wiki:
Some people go as far as trying to talk to the daemon. It's believed some of the best time to do this is right before a dream state or in a fast dream.
Trying to talk to mine hasn't been very reassuring.
1) the universe repeats itself on a loop
2) the different timelines of our actions are interconnected somehow
The daemon in both of those scenarios is the only part of our psyche or consciousness that has any recollection of either what happened before, or what might happen on the alternate timeline.
The only hang up I have is when trying to talk to or at least listen to it, I want to make sure I'm not dealing with a negative element of my psyche. This might be an issue for me more than others because I have always grown up with a mildly negative self image. Not anything to bad but just enough to be my own worst enemy when it comes to making decisions. Fear of failure and fear of rejection play into that. By subconsciously sabotaging your chances you avoid failing or being rejected based on your actual merit. That's an inner "demon," I have long struggled with and that's the hang up I'm having with trying to listen to the daemon.
What I find remarkable is that if there is any substance to the daemon guide theory it argues that there may be some sort of higher power or powers responsible for keeping this timeline intact. When you look at many very important people in history you find evidence of a daemon at work. It's been called many things but if it's actually an inner part of our consciousness it argues that the history of events in our timeline has been purposefully manipulated by a form of consciousness higher than our own individual psyche.
"Woah! That's a lot of beliefs in one paragraph." ^
Mani is a really interesting dude to research though.
I'll make sure to check out some of his shit so I can get a better perspective of the subject.