The god king psychiatrist and his legion of worshipers
Line up and prostate to the statistical effegy
Line up and pledge their souls to the eternal chemical paradise of limbo
Line up and bow down to the dictation of televised reality
Line up and dig their own graves in anticipation of death
Line up and anchor their conciousness to the sinking ship
Line up and stab each other in the back with sharpened pens
Line up and spread their cheeks to the guy behind them
Line up and jump over the pepetually rising hurdles
Line up for admitance to a fancy club with no doors
Line up to stone to death the opium smoking romantic
Line up to get the weekly food ration
Line up so they can go back to the end of the line again
Line up for the sheer pleasure of velocity
Line up for the decaying orgasm of the suicidal lemming
Line up for cheap kicks
Line up to play a game
Line Up to Line Up
Good poem, it rings true.