its not a system of orginization, but rather a rejection of any orginization other than our own. and through that we support disorginazation. to say that we assembled and unified against you would not be truth, and we cherish the truthiness. it would be more accurate to say that your system's and or your actions simply brought a confounded group of human beings together over great distance's wich resulted in the appearence of an orginazation. but put quite simply, it would be more accurate to say that we are more so a force of nature, as you and your systems are a force against it. you cannot see the wind, but we can move the leaves in your democracies trees. That we have been excluded from their society is a matter of personal pride for us, cast out of that system either by its design, or for most of us, by our choice. That it is in our common sense that the only order is a natural order, and that law should only reflect the nature of the people it protects. That I find myself sitting on the sidelines of a game that I do not want to even play speaks to the trivial nature of a great majority of your systems accomplishments. And for all those who speak out against our violently immoral nature. I must say in fervent response, that the greatest and most widespread violence humanity has ever witnessed is perpetrated by your unwillingness to acknowledge the number of lives, human and otherwise, that perish under the weight of your decadence, ignorance and what your people have called "progress". if you regulate, we will de-regulate, is you fall we will rise, laughing. if you rise, we will fall, and make you cry. we are your children, and we hate you. in connecting with one another accross the earth we have come into one singular common sense that rises above all. and seeing your pathetic goings on through our collective looking glass we have had only one response; LOL.
The truth has not been hidden or burned; it’s in plain sight for all the masses to see, drowning in a sea of irrelevance. I think, that the thinkers and observers who care have seen, that the gap between heartfelt human participation and the amount of readily available trivialities is to far to jump. And time is short, given the increasing paramount of our condition, one that is rapidly deteriorating, socially and environmentally. We will not find the securities we seek for our future generations in the streak of a pen or the advancement of our technologies. Since there system is one that cannot accept its own destruction, it is a selfish system that was designed with its own preservation in mind, then our exodus from it will be conceived as an attack on it.
extremism begets extremism. but we are not the agitators, we were never radicals, we were only ever wild in the eyes of their tamed populous. considering the extraodinary disregard for the enviroment that we have witnessed, the relentless destruction of our land, its rescources and its incomprehensible beauty. I would most certainly difine that as the first extremism cast. It is OUR natural and logical state that was disrupted under your enourmuos system. All orginisms must defend them selves. Your crimes against the earth are inhertently crimes against all who live within, and will in the future come to be here. your abuses are unlawful, disgusting and inhumane in the extreme. so yes then, our defenses against such cruelty will be extremist by necessity. we do not forgive. we do not forget. we are legion.
this is the first thread i have ever made.
i posted here not for the lols. and i do have a lot more to offer the community than giggles and bullshit. i am always in for the conversation. although i do admit, i don't really take anything seriously.
that being said, i only thought it might be cool to have a discussion about how this internet sub culture came about, and how its coming about is related to its potential as a real force in the defense of free information and awareness. especially for younger people. the alienation of young people from our political and information systems, in my opinion, is going to make for a very bleak political climate in the future.
i have always been a truth seeker. and i have always had an open mind, and an open heart. i love being proved wrong.
i wrote those things in the hopes that it might stir some interesting conversation about this internet sub culture, and in the hopes that some of the others here might share some interesting stories on the subject.
anyways im sorry for offending you. and THIS is the very first thread i have ever made on EITHER totse, this one, or the original one, i am not a troll. i am very new here post wise. and i will always see the funny side of things no matter what. its who i am. i cant really change that. that's not to say that i don't have any real, relevant input to make either. i have done a lot of my own research and i am quite passionate about the geopolitical and social infrastructures that affect our world. and i never turn away from a "conspiracy". sorry, and i hope to make post's here that better suit the criteria of your forum.
at the time that i made this thread, it was the ONLY thread i had ever posted to that date. its impossible that there was any other thread that i could have posted at all before that. which thread was it of mine that previously caught your eye?
"herp derp text wall"
orgonite video
"diddly derp derp more text"
I pretty much stopped scrolling there. I will sum up my feelings about this thread using only two smilies:
:facepalm: :rolleyes:
Now that I've done that, let me just say this. I left totse a while back to fuck around on 4chan and /b/. I was there when the whole "Anonymous" shit overflowed into the internet mainstream and the stupid Scientology protests started. You, and all the Scientology protests, were astroterfed by some assholes samefagging their own threads. I won't go into extreme detail, but I will tell you that a pretty secretive group who call themself "marblecake" was behind it. I think they may be from Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Alas, nobody listens to me when I tell them this, and I really don't care anymore. "Anonymous" is for kids and people who just saw V for Vendetta for the first time. Please refrain from bringing your faggotry into totse.
Oh shit an internet elitist this guys so cool he's behind the scenes and shit, this guy is the epitome of srs business better not fuck with him he knows all marblecake group the secret society behind anon :cool:;):facepalm::facepalm::o
in any other circumstances i would of thought you were an idiot for affirming the guy and posting this; but in the context of the first post, fucking christ i laughed hard when i read this.
marblecake secret anon society