First of all if your zok or have any affiliation with zok you agree to not reed the below text.
Ok so what we need to do is spam the internet and irl like high schools with a link and say some mysterious shit so people will come here and when they see lulz they will sign up. Then we will treet them all like shit to build loyalty then we will have way more people and more peeple will come here.
Finally no one will go to zoklet anymore and its moderaters will come here and beg to be a common acolyte, and zok will do a suicide
It was in a vision I had
Well then it is bound to work!
First a bunch of totseans have a meetup in a large city and make signs protesting against totse and saying it teaches are youth too much about drugs sex etc. If its large enough the news might come and that would be worth endless lulz.
The second is basically the same thing but to write to schools and shit as anonymous parents concerned about the school children visiting totse. Then they will do the advertisement for you, and all the drug users and shit will come and probably sign up.
ya thats a good vishin cus the lemurs have big eyes LOL!!!!!!
I lol'd
for fucks sake you beat me to it..
If done right this would actually work.
That was a rather witty analogy and I must say I did laugh..
To add to this thread and further the cause, maybe offer free bombs? Or boobs? I dunno flyer spamming sounds like a good idea but there is the hitch that it can be traced back to your printer
Depends on how paranoid you are I suppose..
Could be traced if you did something really bad. The printer leaves a signature in the ink, or something.
It leaves the serial number and date and time, but that doesn't matter. No one is going to trace the flyers back to your personal printer. They'd need a warrant to do that. To get a warrant they'd need probable cause that you put the flyers up. If you don't get caught putting them up, you can't get investigated. Furthermore, and this makes the entire point moot, no one is going to bother getting a warrant to inspect your printer for putting up flyers to a website.
I know I know, and while all of this is true, I was just trying to share a little information
umm did you read the part where zok does a suicide? thats clearly defeat:o:o:o:o